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Herawati Herawati Kartika Rinakit Adhe Nurhenti Dorlina Simatupang Nurul Khotimah


This study aims to determine how the relationship between teacher ICT competence and children's digital literacy skills in kindergarten Surabaya. This research is a type of survey research with a quantitative approach. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire. The sample used in this study was kindergarten teachers who teach children aged 3-6 years, totaling 98 teachers. Data were analyzed using SPSS 29 for testing analytical requirements, inferential and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is a correlation and positive influence of teachers' ICT competence on children's digital literacy skills in kindergarten Surabaya. This is indicated by the Sig value < 0.05. The correlation and regression test results in the study were 0.001 < 0.05. The results of the regression equation in the study interpret that if the teacher's ICT competency variable increases by 1%, there will also be an increase in the digital literacy ability variable of kindergarten children by 0.800. This proves that it is important for teachers to improve ICT competencies to maximize early childhood digital literacy skills.


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Herawati, H., Rinakit Adhe, K., Dorlina Simatupang, N. ., & Khotimah, N. . (2024). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEACHER’S ICT COMPETENCE AND CHILDREN’S DIGITAL LITERACY SKILLS IN KINDERGARTEN SURABAYA. Child Education Journal, 6(1).
Reading Ability, Digital Literacy, Children, early childhood education, competence


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Herawati Herawati, Early Childhood Education Teacher Education, Faculty of Education Science, State University of Surabaya

Herawati lahir di Penajam Paser Utara pada tanggal 27-03-2002 adalah Mahasiswa di Universitas Negeri Surabaya dengan jurusan PG-PAUD angkatan 2020. 

Kartika Rinakit Adhe, Early Childhood Education Teacher Education, Faculty of Education Science, State University of Surabaya

Kartika Rinakit Adhe, S.Pd., M.Pd., lahir di Kediri pada tanggal 15-06-1990 adalah dosen di Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Dalam 1 tahun terakhir, mengampu 10 matakuliah. Sudah melakukan pengabdian sebanyak 21.

Nurhenti Dorlina Simatupang, Early Childhood Education Teacher Education, Faculty of Education Science, State University of Surabaya

Dra. Nurhenti Dorlina Simatupang, M.Sn., lahir di Tapanuli Utara pada tanggal 19-12-1966 adalah dosen di Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Dalam 1 tahun terakhir, mengampu 8 matakuliah. Sudah melakukan pengabdian sebanyak 12.

Nurul Khotimah, Early Childhood Education Teacher Education, Faculty of Education Science, State University of Surabaya

Dr. Nurul Khotimah, S.Pd., M.Pd., lahir di Sidoarjo pada tanggal 05-05-1977 adalah dosen di Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Dalam 1 tahun terakhir, mengampu 9 matakuliah. Sudah melakukan pengabdian sebanyak 15. Sudah mempublikasi Artikel Ilmiah dalam jurnal sebanyak 213. Memiliki karya buku sebanyak 4. Menjadi pemakalah seminar ilmiah sebanyak 1. Memperoleh HKI sebanyak 8.