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Dina Amalia Anita Afrianingsih Sehla Safira Damayanti


The events that are currently occurring are indeed a lot of problems related to the provision of rewards
and punishment, especially in the parenting patterns given by parents to their children. So it can increase
or even reduce children’s moral development. Therefore, there are many cases of beatings and various
punishments received by children, such as locking children in their rooms, hitting their body parts, and
using harsh words. This research is a form of social research which aims to analyze and summarize
various conditions, as a social reality phenomenon in the form of rewards and punishments in the moral
development of early childhood. It involved 39 children from KB Permata Kita Hadiwarno Mejobo
Kudus. Data collection takes the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of
this research are that through rewards children are more confident and brave in making decisions, while
punishment can be done through behavioral actions, education and strengthening motivation to avoid
unwanted behavior. The conclusion of this research is that through reward and punishment, children
know what behavior is right and wrong, so that it has an impact on the child’s character effectively and
efficiently to be applied in everyday life.


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How to Cite
Amalia, D., Afrianingsih, A. ., & Safira Damayanti, S. (2023). The Effectiveness of Providing Rewards and Punishment for Moral Development of Early Childhood. Child Education Journal, 5(2), 73–84.
Behaviorism, Child Moral Development, Punishment, Reward


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