Scaffolding Strategies to Support English Language Learning in Reading Comprehension: A Case Study
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Reading is one of the most challenging language skills for elementary school students. To obtain a literacygrasp of reading English texts, appropriate learning tactics and approaches are required. This study aimsto explore the scaffolding strategy and the students’ perception on the strategy they used to understandreading text. The study used the descriptive method by collecting data from interviews and questionnaires.Twenty-nine students were given questionnaires to know the impact and usefulness of the Scaffolding.Observation and interviews were used to see the situation in the learning process. Data collected wasanalyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques. Based on the result, there are three types of strategies,namely the pre-reading stage, the reading stage, and the post-reading stage. The types of Scaffoldinggiven by the teacher are Modeling, Bridging, Contextualizing, Schema Building, and Metacognition. Itindicates that scaffolding strategy helps the student pronounce the words and understand the meaning.The study implies that the scaffolding technique is expected to be a reference material and choice forevery teacher in learning to read and understand English texts. Scaffolding is a structured learning supporttechnique used at an early stage to encourage students to learn independently.
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