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Elly Ratnaningsih


Visiting of lasik surgery patients at Eye Hospital of East Java in 2016 is quite low (9%) while
in 2017 increased (10%) but still below target. Such low achievements are likely to be influenced by
consumer perceptions of lasik surgery services. This study aims to assess the community perception
of lasik surgery services Eye Hospital of East Java. Assessment of perception includes price, people,
process and physical evidence. This study shows that respondents' perceptions of lasik surgery rates
are cheaper than those in other hospitals. Overall perception of officers and service process lasik
surgery is good. While the perception of respondents to the physical appearance has not been good,
because respondents feel not satisfied with hospital facilities. This research recommends innovation
in marketing efforts lasik surgery service and hospital management need to improve infrastructure


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How to Cite
Ratnaningsih, E. (2018). PERSEPSI TERHADAP PELAYANAN OPERASI LASIK DI RUMAH SAKIT MATA MASYARAKAT JAWA TIMUR. Medical Technology and Public Health Journal, 2(2), 128–132.
Perception, Lasik Surgery Services, Eye Hospital

Elly Ratnaningsih