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Vivi Iftitah Illaeni Dwi Handayani Akas Yekti Pulih Asih Mursyidul Ibad


The results of the GATS survey show an increase in the prevalence of electronic smokers up to 10 times, from 0.3% in 2011 to 3% in 2021. East Java Province is one of the provinces with a percentage of electric smokers over the age of 15, as much as 27.28%. This study aimed to analyze the behavior of using e-cigarettes in adolescents aged 15-24 years in Surabaya city. This research method is the quantitative descriptive-analytic cross-sectional approach. The sample of this research is adolescents aged 15-24 years in Surabaya city, with a total of 157 respondents. This research uses an accidental sampling technique. Data analysis is in the form of univariate and bivariate analysis (chi-square). The results showed that the respondents' intention to use e-cigarettes was mostly in the weak category, 59.2%. Support from friends in using e-cigarettes is mostly in the strong category, 61.1%. Family support for using e-cigarettes is mostly in the weak category, 55.8%. Most respondents are in the difficult category of accessing health information related to the dangers of e-cigarettes, which is 62.4%. Access to the affordability of most respondents in the easy category is 65.6%. The conclusions in this study are that there is a strong relationship between the intention and behavior of using e-cigarettes in adolescents, there is a low relationship between friend support, family support, access to health information related to the dangers of using e-cigarettes, access to convenience and behavior of using e-cigarettes in adolescents. It is hoped that healthcare profetionals can provide preventive efforts to educate the public, especially adolescents, regarding the dangers of e-cigarettes for health to prevent chronic diseases caused by e-cigarettes.


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How to Cite
Vivi Iftitah Illaeni, Dwi Handayani, Pulih Asih, A. Y., & Ibad, M. (2023). ANALYSIS OF ELECTRIC CIGARETTE USE BEHAVIOR IN YOUTH AGED 15-24 YEARS IN THE SURABAYA CITY. Medical Technology and Public Health Journal, 7(1), 36–43.
Kata Kunci: Rokok Elektrik, Remaja, Perilaku


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Vivi Iftitah Illaeni, Mahasiswa

Dwi Handayani

Akas Yekti Pulih Asih, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Mursyidul Ibad, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya