Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020) June

The International Islamic Medical Journal (IIMJ) is the official journal of Faculty of Medicine, University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Indonesia. It serves primarily as a forum for education and intellectual discourse for health professionals namely in clinical medicine but covers diverse issues relating to medical ethics, professionalism as well as medical developments and research in basic medical sciences. It also serves the unique purpose of highlighting issues and research pertaining to the Islamic medical in the world. IIMJ is an online journal published twice a year (June and December). This article should be written in academic English. 

Published: 2020-09-01


Late Referral of Eisenmenger Syndrome in Pregnancy at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya

Amira Ali Abdat, Muhammad Yusuf
DOI : https://doi.org/10.33086/iimj.v1i2.1588
Abstract views: 153 , Downloads : 312

Body Mass Index and Albumin Level In Severe Preeclampsia Conservative Treatment Cases

Esmond Winarko, Muhammad Yusuf
DOI : https://doi.org/10.33086/iimj.v1i2.1614
Abstract views: 219 , Downloads : 451

A Prophetic Medicine: Potential Therapeutic Effect of Nigella sativa for Osteoarthritis

Aufar Zimamuz Zaman Al Hajiri, Diaz Syafrie Abdillah, Mohammad Qoimam Bilqisthi Zulfikar
DOI : https://doi.org/10.33086/iimj.v1i2.1622
Abstract views: 891 , Downloads : 2102

Management of Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage on Anticoagulant Regiment: A Literature Review

Tedy, Ade, Ahmad, Endang, Ranu, Khrisna, Rizki, Shaleh, Hafid
DOI : https://doi.org/10.33086/iimj.v1i2.1611
Abstract views: 867 , Downloads : 627