Author Guideline


Article submitted should follow the structural order below:

Title page and autorship:

Provide the full title, full name highest awarded academic degree. And institutional affiliation of each author. Information on coresponding author for reprins nad full contact infomation should be included the title of the article should not exceed 40 characters. (One spaced, A4 size sheets, Times new roman 14 point font size)

Structured abstract and keyword:

Abstract should include the following headling: Objective, method, results and conclusion. A journal abstract should contain sufficient infromation epicting the conduct and findings a trial, study, or observation which are optimally presented in no more that 250 words. It should also emphasize on new and important aspects of the trial, study or observation. Three to five key words or short pharses that will assist indexers incross-indexing the article should be provide below the abstract and written in alphabetical order.(One space, A4 size sheets, Times new roman 12 point font size)

The Manuscript:

Both observation and experimental article are divided into the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (IMRAD). Please click here for details. Authors are strongly encouraged to limit the article lenght to 3,500 words for effective and efficient communication. The length does not include the running title, title page, abstract, and references. Only 6 tables, figures, and charts in total are allowed. The spelled-out abbreviation followed by the  abbreviation in parenthesis should be used on first mention unless the abbreviation is a standard unit measurement. Begin references on a new page. (double spaced, A4 size sheets, Times new roman 12 point font size).


Tables should by typed in one-spaced, and should be titled and numbered in Arabic numeral system in th eorder of first citation in the text. Table (s) is included in the text and also compiled on a separated page. Do not use vertical lines between columns. Use horizontal line above and below the column headings and at the bottom of the table only.Abbreviation used in the table must be defined in a footnote to the table. Indicate footnotes in this order of **.#.


Photo/images/charts should be numbered in accordance with the appearance in the text.


References should be written according to the Harvard style rules. Only six authors are allowed to be included in a reference item. When the number of authors for a reference item is more than six, the six first names should be written down and “et al.” should be added for the other authors. The number of reference items is maximum 20 (twenty). Eighty percents of the references should be from journals. References that are published less than 10 years ago should contribute eighty percents of the total references. Reference citation in text should be identified by author’s name and year with brackets in superscript at the end of sentence. References for article that has been accepted and writing to be publish in journal should be written as `in press`. Please click here for detailed information about references.