Author Guideline

Writing a Journal of Islamic Civilization paper includes the following conditions:

  1. Paper is the result of research on Islamic studies that has never been published in other media, both print and online;
  2. Paper should be written in Indonesian or standard English with 1.15 spaces, Times New Roman font, 12 font size, and A4 paper size, in (Microsoft Word: Rtf, Doc, Docx). Writing length is 3000-5000 words;
  3. Paper writing must be in accordance with the template set by the JIC board of directors;
  4. The author's name is written (without title, position, or rank) accompanied by the name of the affiliation (not abbreviated), address of the institution, e-mail address, mobile number;
  5. The framework of the research paper includes the title, name and identity, abstract (approximately 200 words), keywords, introduction (problem and scope, 10% of the entire text), research methods, research results, discussion, conclusions, and bibliography. . The non-research paper framework includes title, name and identity, abstract, introduction, discussion, conclusion, and bibliography;
  6. Writing references or data sources using direct quotations;
  7. The paper will be checked for plagiarism with Turnitin with a minimum yield of 25%. If there are more than these provisions, the paper will be returned to the author;
  8. JIC paper writing uses transliteration guidelines as stipulated by the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Number: 158 of 1987 and Number: 0543b / U / 1987.