
Moh. Musafak


Realizing an independent economy is part of the concept of sharia economics, which is carried out by using funds managed by the mosque to cover its own expenses.The concept of an independent mosque is not only a beneficial driver for the paradigm of empowering people's economies, but it also intends to allow the mosque to maximize its potential by developing positive programs for the surrounding community. Some mosque administrators believe that the number of worshippers is the most important factor influencing the mosque's economy and economic empowerment. Using the Al-Falah Seoul Mosque as the research object, this study intends to describe the success of a model of mosque economic empowerment through MSMEs, despite the mosque's limited number of worshipers. As a field study, this study employs a qualitative approach supplemented by two data-gathering tools: observation and interviews. The results of this study demonstrate the enormous potential of the economic empowerment initiative undertaken by the management of the Al-Falah Seoul Mosque. Although this mosque faces significant obstacles due to the limited number of worshippers, it is able to effectively manage the donations of the management, the congregation, and its sympathizers in various initiatives to strengthen the economy of the mosque, both in the form of consumptive and productive programs such as the Geumbab program (free blessed Friday meals), sponsorship of Da'wah, Bojeunggeum (deposit loans for homes), the establishment of cooperatives, and the Halal Mart MSME. The Halal Mart was founded as part of the mosque's efforts to meet Muslims' daily requirements while also actively promoting the development of South Korea's halal business.


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How to Cite
Moh. Musafak. (2024). Mosque-Based MSME Empowerment: A Case Study of Al-Falah Mosque, Seoul . Journal of Islamic Civilization, 6(1), 62–78. https://doi.org/10.33086/jic.v6i1.6029
Model, Economic Empowerment, Mosqe-Based Empowerment, MSME


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Moh. Musafak, Universitas Negeri Surabaya