
Fikri Surya Pratama Erasiah Siti Rumaisa Annisa Putri Aliningsih


Brunei Darussalam is a small country in Southeast Asia that has a majority Muslim population with a percentage of 67%. Brunei Darussalam has established itself as an Islamic kingdom and practiced Islamic law since the 15th/16th century. British colonization in the 19th century narrowed the position of Islamic law in Brunei Darussalam. After independence in 1984, Brunei successfully established itself as an Islamic state with an absolute monarchy government. Through the ideology of Malay Islam Beraja (MIB), Brunei emphasizes Malay and Islam as indicators of state identity. This journal article aims to explain more deeply the development of political Islam and the implementation of sharia law in Brunei so that it can be implemented nationally. This research is a descriptive analytical historical research. Source collection is done by literature study, then criticized for validity. Analysis of data sources using a political history approach. The results show that contemporary Brunei Darussalam is able to consistently maintain the form of an absolute Islamic Kingdom unlike Indonesia and Malaysia, as Muslim-majority countries in Southeast Asia. The Sultan's assertiveness and implementation of Islamic shari'a to Muslims and non-Muslims, supported by the policy and progress of Brunei's community services that are all shari'ah and free, both in education, health and so on. One-way politics is also a major factor in the success of MIB to run.


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How to Cite
Pratama, F. S., Erasiah, Rumaisa, S., & Aliningsih, A. P. (2023). The Application of Malay Islamic Beraja in the State Life of Brunei Darussalam (Historical-Political Review). Journal of Islamic Civilization, 5(1), 44–65. Retrieved from https://journal2.unusa.ac.id/index.php/JIC/article/view/4084
Brunei Darussalam, Malay Islamic Beraja, Political History


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