
Robbah Munjiddin Ahmada


The existence of patriotism is an important pillar for the continuity of the state and nation. Historically, patriotism has played a crucial role in achieving Indonesian sovereignty.
In this context, patriotism faces challenges, making its actualization necessary. This
is particularly significant as globalization leads to cross-culturalism, which can potentially result in soft imperialism. This study employs a qualitative approach with a
literature study design, presented in a narrative-descriptive manner. It focuses on the idea of patriotism in the Indonesian context, patriotism in Islamic literature (the Qur’an and Hadith), and the relevance of patriotism in the modern context. The discourse of patriotism emerges as a blend of local aspects and global hegemony. Regarding patriotism in Islamic literature, it can be found in several verses of the Qur’an, such as QS. al-Qasas: 85, QS. al-Baqarah: 126, and QS. Maryam: 31, as well as in the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad by Imam Ibn Hibban, Imam Bukhari, and Imam Muslim. For actualization, the concept of public ethics offers an alternative for fostering a new sense of patriotism, especially since the existence of patriotism in Indonesia is closely tied to religious discourse.


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How to Cite
Robbah Munjiddin Ahmada. (2024). New Narrative of Islam and Patriotism: Initiation of Stability of National Life within the Framework of Public Ethics. Journal of Islamic Civilization, 6(1), 95–106. https://doi.org/10.33086/jic.v6i1.4030
Sosio-Cultural Approach, Asbab Wur ¯ ud al-Hadis, Indonesia, Cultural ¯ Context.


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Robbah Munjiddin Ahmada, Universitas Islam Tribakti, Indonesia