Author Guideline

Guidelines for writing articles in the Business and Finance Journal (BFJ) which are expected to be considered by the authors


  1. Articles are double-spaced on A4 paper (210x297mm).
  2. The maximum length of the article is 7000 words in courier or times new roman 11-12 or as many as 15 to 20 pages.
  3. At least 1 inch of top, bottom, left and right margins.
  4. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
  5. Each table and figure is given a serial number, a title that matches the contents of the table or figure, and the source of the citation.
  6. In-text citations state the author's last (last) name, year, and page number if deemed necessary. Example:
    a. One source citation with one author (Davis, 1989), if accompanied by pages (David, 1989: 125)
    b. One citation source with two authors (David and Anderson, 1989)
    c. One source of citation with more than two authors (David et al., 1989)
    d. Two sources of citation with the same author (David, 1989, 1992), if the year of publication is the same (David, 1989a, 1989b)
    e. Citation sources from an institution should mention the abbreviation or acronym concerned (BPS, 1994; DEPNAKER, 1995)


Writing in the form of writing is structured as follows:

  1. Abstract, this section contains a summary of the article or research summary covering the research problem, objectives, methods, results and contribution of research results. Abstracts are presented at the beginning of the text and consist of 200 to 400 words (presented in English). Abstracts are assigned keywords to facilitate the preparation of the article index.
  2. Introduction, describes a theoretical framework based on a review of the literature which is the basis for developing hypotheses and research models.
  3. Theoretical Framework, presents a theoretical framework based on a review of the literature which becomes the basis for developing hypotheses and research models.
  4. Research Methods, contains the approach used, data collection, definition and measurement of variables as well as methods and analysis techniques used.
  5. Analysis and Discussion, contains the analysis of the necessary research data and a discussion of the findings and provides research conclusions.
  6. Implications and Limitations, explains the implications of the findings and limitations of the study and provides suggestions for future research, if necessary
  7. Reference List, contains the sources cited in the article. Only the referenced sources need to be included in the list of references.