
Hidayatul Khusnah


This study aims to investigate the factors that can encourage individuals to do whistleblowing. Factors that are predicted to affect whistleblowing intention are organizational Ethical Culture and Moral intensity and Ethical Decision Making. The sample in this study were 63 respondents. Total questionnaires distributed were 78 questionnaires, but as many as 65 questionnaires were returned, there were 2 questionnaires that were not filled out completely, so were excluded from testing. Data analysis techniques in this study used SEM-PLS. The results of this study found a positive effect of organizational ethical culture on whistleblowing intention. This shows that organizations that have a high ethical culture tend to have high whistleblowing intentions. The next finding is that moral intensity has a positive effect on ethical decission making and whistleblowing intention. This shows that individuals who have high moral intensity decisions that are made tend to be more ethical. The final finding in this research is ethical decision making which has a positive effect on whistleblowing intention. the higher the Ethical Decision Making, the higher the Whistleblowing Intention. When someone is able to make decisions ethically, it will go hand in hand with the whistleblowing intention




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How to Cite
Khusnah, H. (2020). Organizational Ethical Culture, Moral Reasoning: Pengaruhnya terhadap Ethical Decision Making dan whistleblowing intention. Business and Finance Journal, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.33086/bfj.v5i1.1495
Organizational Ethical Culture, Moral Reasoning, Ethical Decision Making, whistleblowing  intention


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Hidayatul Khusnah