Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021) December

ATCSJ (Applied Technology and Computing Science Journal) with ISSN 2621-4458E-ISSN 2621-4474 is a journal on all aspects of applied technology natural science that was published online by Faculty of Engineering – University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya and in 2021, changed to Department of Information systems,  Faculty of  Business Economics and Digital Techology. This journal published periodically twice in a year (on June and December) to accommodate the researcher from all over the world who want to publish the results of their research and contribution with all various topics related to Engineering, Applied Computer Modelling and Simulation, Information System, Computer Science, Data Mining, Big Data, Computational Engineering, Intelligent Systems, Intelligent Data Analysis, Soft Computing, Machine Learning, Internet and Computer Network Technology, Pattern Recognition, Computer vision, and Biocybernetics. All the articles received will be reviewed by peer-reviewers with double-blind methods.

Published: 2022-05-30


Kediri Karesidenan Sharia Tourism Routes Optimization using Genetic Algorithm

Hendy, Agata Iwan Candra, Abidatul Izzah
DOI : https://doi.org/10.33086/atcsj.v4i2.2227
Abstract views: 192 , Downloads : 183

Battery Charger Design with PI Control Based on Arduino Uno R3

Agung Prasetyo Utomo, Anggara Trisna Nugraha Angga, Dwi Sasmita Aji Pambudi, Dadang Priyambodo
DOI : https://doi.org/10.33086/atcsj.v4i2.2398
Abstract views: 223 , Downloads : 604

Main Engine Water Cooling Failure Monitoring and Detection on Ships using Interface Modbus Communication

Dwi Sasmita Aji Pambudi, Ruddianto, Anggara Trisna Nugraha Angga, Agung Prasetyo Utomo, Mahasin Maulana Ahmad, Mayda Zita Aliem Tiwana, Alwy Muhammad Ravi
DOI : https://doi.org/10.33086/atcsj.v4i2.2508
Abstract views: 154 , Downloads : 320

A Sentiment Analysis Pedulilindungi Tweet Using Support Vector Machine Method

Farhan Setiyo Darusman, Amalia Anjani Arifiyanti, Seftin Fitri Ana Wati
DOI : https://doi.org/10.33086/atcsj.v4i2.2836
Abstract views: 230 , Downloads : 358

Design and Build a Web App-Based Conference Registration System Using the Waterfall Model

Fawaidul Badri, Ridwan Maulana, Khusnul Khotimah, Rizqi Putri Nourma Budiarti, Awang Andhyka
DOI : https://doi.org/10.33086/atcsj.v4i2.2820
Abstract views: 571 , Downloads : 567

Exploring The Readiness of Private College Students From Offline To Online Learning System

Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie, Ahmad Nizar Yogatama
DOI : https://doi.org/10.33086/atcsj.v4i2.2814
Abstract views: 147 , Downloads : 159

Analysis of User Satisfaction Level of myIM3 Application Using TAM Method

Sayyidah 'Aisy Farikhah, Paramitha Nerisafitra
DOI : https://doi.org/10.33086/atcsj.v4i2.3096
Abstract views: 344 , Downloads : 275