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Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie Ahmad Nizar Yogatama


This study explores how students' readiness at two private campuses in East Java in facing changes in the learning system from being used to face-to-face to a fully online system. This study uses Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to examine how students experience their learning activities with the new system. The research also used the purposive sampling method in selecting the sample. The respondents of this study were four male students from the Department of Information Systems, Dinamika University - Surabaya, and four female students majoring in Management, Institute of Technology and Business Asia Malang. In collecting primary data, the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews. This study indicates that students are unprepared to fully accept online learning, especially certain subjects requiring much practice. Hence, the hybrid learning system is still the best solution for now.


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Wardhanie, A. P., & Yogatama, A. N. (2022). Exploring The Readiness of Private College Students From Offline To Online Learning System. Applied Technology and Computing Science Journal, 4(2), 128–138.
e-learning, readiness, online learning, private college


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Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie, Universitas Dinamika

Ahmad Nizar Yogatama, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya