Potential for Rehabilitation Management Utilizing A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach Via Telehealth in Home Treatment-Based Diabetes Management: A Literature Review
Main Article Content
iabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by insufficient insulin
production or ineffective utilization of insulin, resulting in elevated blood glucose
levels. The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus continues to rise annually, highlighting the
urgent issue of inadequate blood sugar control among diabetic patients. Ineffective
management of blood glucose levels poses significant risks for complications and
adversely affects the quality of life of individuals with diabetes. This article employs a
literature review methodology to explore the potential of rehabilitation management for
diabetic patients. A comprehensive literature search was conducted across various
databases, including Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, and ProQuest. The
search utilized keywords such as "Diabetes Mellitus," "Theory of Planned Behavior,"
"Rehabilitation of Diabetic Patients," and "Telehealth." The inclusion criteria
encompassed publications in both Indonesian and English languages from 2016 to 2021.
Eligible publications were identified and analyzed using the PRISMA method for
synthesis. Rehabilitation interventions for diabetic patients focus on utilizing resources
available within the home environment. These interventions have demonstrated a
significant impact on various aspects of lifestyle, including physical activity, medication
adherence, health education, and psychological support. Furthermore, telehealth has
emerged as an effective medium for delivering remote health interventions, facilitating
improved patient engagement and outcomes. In the context of the Social 5.0 era,
telehealth presents a promising alternative for home-based rehabilitation of diabetic
patients. By leveraging patient resources, telehealth can enhance the effectiveness of
diabetes rehabilitation care and improve overall health outcomes for individuals living
with diabetes.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2024 Fahmi Wildana, Lutfian, Aufa Azizah, Essarani Oktaviana
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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