
Dewinta Nadiva


The purpose of this study is to examine more deeply the independent learning curriculum in
PAI subjects, the relationship between the kurikulum merdeka and character education and its
implementation in educational institutions. The writing of this scientific article uses the method of
literature study by using various types of sources both from books and scientific articles from various
journals, theses, dissertations to find theories and supporting data. The results of this study are that the
kurikulum merdeka is very relevant in PAI. This curriculum offers a larger and more holistic approach
to teaching Islam and gives young people the opportunity to create their own unique identity based on
Islamic principles. The younger generation is also taught critical, independent and creative thinking skills
through this curriculum. The future generation of Muslims must be able to think for themselves if they
are to better understand their religion and face difficulties in this dynamic and complex world. In the
Technical Guidance of Strengthening PAI Learning for SMA/SMALB/SMK Based on Blended, it states
that in kurmer the number of two JP in one week is multiplied by 36 weeks, then 1 JP is added for Islamic
religious projects, resulting in a total of 108 JP each year from the Curriculum and Books Center. As a
result, he argues that the time allotted for the initial and final assessments is meant to gradually improve
students’ soft skills and character. Because GPAI learning outcomes must conform to standards, schools
must learn how to communicate with parents. He also asked teachers to apply various learning
approaches. He believes that an kurikulum merdeka can be created using learning objectives achievement
standards (KKTP), which can include activities that are difficult to interpret.


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How to Cite
Nadiva, D. (2023). Relevance of Kurikulum Merdeka in Islamic Religious Education to Build Independence and Creative in The Muslim Generation. Education and Human Development Journal, 8(2), 10–19. https://doi.org/10.33086/ehdj.v8i2.4860
Independent Curriculum, independent, creative


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Dewinta Nadiva, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang