
Nurkhasanah Herliana Riska Nurhadi Wijaya Sugiarto Windi Vensia Putri Anggie Puspita Dewi


The stunting problem in Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City, ranks second among 18 other regions, with 118 children under five. Because posyandu plays a crucial role in speeding the elimination of stunting, the capacity of cadres must be considered. According to the findings of the multi-factorial FGD, the causes of stunting in Umbulharjo Village are a lack of optimum counseling and eating patterns for market-dependent children. The goal is to enhance health independence and food security by creating an anti-stunting sustainable food yard (P2L) and a digital-based information system, with a target of 23 posyandu cadres. Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) employs a method that covers requirements analysis, design, mentorship, and implementation and evaluation stages. Results: The cadres' knowledge of vegetable gardening went from 16% to 75%, their skills increased from 7% to 70%, and their motivation to plant vegetables increased from 55% to 90%. Similarly, cadres' average understanding of the processing of diverse local food ingredients improved from 30% to 75%, and their educational ability increased from 5% to 70%. Conclusion: Empowering posyandu cadres to achieve zero stunting in Yogyakarta through digital and creative health has expanded natural and human resource capacity in Umbulharjo Village, Yogyakarta City


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How to Cite
Nurkhasanah, Herliana Riska, Nurhadi Wijaya Sugiarto, Windi Vensia Putri, & Anggie Puspita Dewi. (2023). Digitalization and Creative Health to Empower Posyandu Cadres in Yogyakarta City’s Effort to Zero Case Stunting . Community Development Journal, 7(3), 191–196. https://doi.org/10.33086/cdj.v7i3.5292
SIKYandu, Agroculture City, Smart Posyandu


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Nurkhasanah, Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Herliana Riska, Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Nurhadi Wijaya Sugiarto

Windi Vensia Putri

Anggie Puspita Dewi