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  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The paper writen in english version, From background until reference conssit of 2000 until 4000 word.                                                                                                                                                              Paper A 4, margin 2,2,2,2,  one coloumn.                                                                                                  Font :                                                                                                                                                                     Tittle : Time New Roman 12, less than 15 word.                                                                                        Content : Time new Roman, 11, Justify, before after 0,  witout header and footer.                                Body Of paper :                                                                                                                                                    Tittle, author metadata, abstract, Introduction, general description, Methode, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, Aknowledgment, Reference.                                                                                                    Table : Consist of less then 5 table with Open table.                                                                                  Figure: less than 5 figure with the sama size                                                                                              Tittle :                                                                                                                                                                      Bold, less than 15 words, spasi 1, after 6pt, TNR 12. Metadata:author name, (1,2,3).Affiliasi,email first author.                                                                                                                                              Abstract:                                                                                                                                                              consist of 250-300 words, 3- 5 keywords, IMRAD patern, Times New Roman 11, Bold, space 1, spacing before 12 pt, after 2 pt.                                                                                                  INTRODUCTION : (Times New Roman 11, Bold, Spasi 1,5, Spacing Before 12 Pt, After 2 Pt). At the beginning of the alenia there are 5 beats, the body of the text uses the font: Times New Roman,11 regular, spacing 1, spacing before 0 pt, after 0 pt), 1 coloumn, The introduction mainly contains: community service problems; devotion purposes; state of the art ,summary of theoretical studies related to community service issues. This section sometimes contains expectations for the results and benefits of community service. The introductory section maximal 2 pages.                          GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COMMUNITY, PROBLEMS AND TARGET SOLUTIONS            General description: Description of the characteristics of the target society in general, demography, geography, Describe the characteristics of the activity objective and acco
mpanying a photo of the target Economically productive community groups, Non-economic community, groupsCommunity groups such as cadres, PKK mothers, Village / sub-district partners
Problem:Describe a maximum of 3 problems in the general scope. For example: Health Sector, Economy Sector,Education Sector. Describe the field problem in detail including aspects of knowledge, skills, perceptions, behavior, facilities,decreased turnover Include photos according to the problem before the dedication. For example: In the field of public health,
there is little knowledge about hand washing and skills in carrying out hand washing procedures
Problems can be measured through scores such as scores of knowledge, skills, knowledge, turnover etc.
Target solution:Describe the solution plan that has been agreed upon by the service provider with the partner, including a photo when making decisions.                                                              METHOD
Method contains The approach model used by service providers such as  empowerment, development, teknology uttilizationresearch results-based, sustainable development and describe it clearly.When providing appropriate technology, briefly describe the advantages of this technology. Describe the instruments used to measure the success of the activity
Describe the characteristics of the target (number and name of the target / partner >>>> look at the target group for the overview. Statistical analysis used to determine the differences before and after community service activities. Describe the location of the activity and how far the target location is from the location of the service team.                                                                            RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThis section is the main part of the community service article and is usually the longest part of an article.The first article explains the title of the research that was implemented. Example: This activity is a research implementation entitled "……………"The results of community service presented in this section are “clean” results. Namely the result of dedication to predetermined indicators in open tables and charts. Writing table identity fill in the table time new roman 10 spaces 1                                                                                                    CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS
The conclusion provides a summary of the description of the results and discussion, referring to the objectives of community service. Suggestions are written in a clear and operational manner. Conclusions and suggestions are presented in the form of new thought narratives which are the essence of the findings ofcommunity service. It is better not to use serial numbers
AKNOWLADMENT: if there. But if there is no this title may not be included.                        REFERENCE                                                                                                                                          Using the Harvard model, Time New roman 11, using a reference application like Mendeley etc, space 1, before 6, after 6. References for the last 10 years, 80% come from dedication journals, at least 10 bibliography


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