Community Development Journal ( CDJ)  journal  to publish paper from community services activity by lecturer, students, practionary community services.  Publication this Journal has started from 2017  years and have e ISSN 2580-5290 and p- ISSN 2580-5282  and also  has been accredited by the Ministry of Education and Culture with Sinta 5 (Sinta 5 ). This Journal is managed and publisher by Nahdlatul Ulama University Of Surabaya and licence by Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License 

Community Development Journal ( CDJ ) are interested  toward  multidisciplinary scientific paper. so, we to concetrate toward author with different scince in their team who has minimals 3 different scientific. Publish in 3 times of years on April, July and December and the journal Partnership  is Association of community services lecturer (ADPI ).  Deadline submision on every February, Juni, Oktober 25. paper. Article has publised are free. 

Focus of this journel on methode of community services activity  among others are empowerment, development community and technology utilization based on community problem. The editorial team will rejected the paper with seminary, discussion group, material presentation, medical examination without empowerment and development metho's in community. The paper must be to according tempelete and guidliness writer's and written in English version

Scope of this Journal are multidisciplinary scientific likes economy, health, education technology, culture, taurist

Visi  : Become quality community services journal with empowerment, development and technology utilization


  1. To publish paper community services with empowerment, development, technology utilization community in economic , education,  culture, taurist and health problem
  2. To publish originality paper