
Syahri Alhusin Laksono Sumarto Mrih Rahayu


The purpose of this service program is to increase the ability and income of students and foundation
administrators through business assistance for Crystal herbal medicine. This community service activity
was carried out from January to June 2021 at Pondok Yab Yatim Sudjono Taruno, Jetis Village, Baki
District, Sukohardjo. The target of this activity is the students and dormitories of the Charity Bakti
Foundation "Sudjono &Taruno" which operates 30 people. This activity is carried out using
empowerment methods through training, counselling, and mentoring. The results of this service activity
are: (1) the administrators and students have understood and mastered the basics of entrepreneurship
and business methods well; (2) administrators and students are able to produce Crystal Jamu after
practising training and education on herbal medicine-making; (3) administrators and students are able
to market herbal products conventionally (offline) and online; (4) administrators and students know the
process of obtaining a business license, as well as a BPOM permit. This service program also contributes
to increasing the income of the crystal herbal medicine business at Pondok Yatim YAB Sudjono Taruno
from Rp. 300,000 / month to Rp. 1,500,000 / month. The implementation of Community Service carried
out by UTP FEB lecturers in producing Crystal Jamu has provided benefits for yab Sudjono &Taruno
Yatim huts, both in order to improve health (body immunity) to prevent the spread of covid to students
and administrators, congregations and the surrounding community, as well as being able to create useful
business units to increase the management income of Pondok YAB Sudjono &Taruno


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How to Cite
Alhusin, S., Sumarto, L. ., & Rahayu, M. . (2022). Empowerment for MsMEs jamu Cyrstal to Improve The Capability and Business Income of the Pondok Yatim Amal Bakti Foundation "Sudjono &Taruno" Jetis Village, Sukoharjo during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Community Development Journal, 6(2), 57–61. https://doi.org/10.33086/cdj.v6i2.3357
Assistance, UMKM, Herbs, Covid-19, Income


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Syahri Alhusin, Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta

Laksono Sumarto, Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta

Mrih Rahayu, Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta