PThe Role of Family Welfare Movement Team (TP-PKK) in Creating Child Protection in Fulfillment of Education Rights During the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Yenny Aman Serah Faculty of Law, Universitas Panca Bhakti
  • Anita Yuliastini Faculty Of Law, Universitas Panca Bhakti Pontianak
  • Rini Setiawati Middle Law Instructor, Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, West Kalimantan
  • Sri Ayu Septinawati



covid-19; pemenuhan hak pendidikan; perlindungan anak; peran PKK


Covid-19 has a significant impact on the life of the Indonesian, including fulfilling the right to education for children. With the social distancing, the Ministry of Education in Indonesia issued a policy by closing schools and replacing the teaching and learning process using an online system. However, there are obstacles during online learning. One of them is parents' unpreparedness to accompany their children. It is necessary to build motivation for parents or families, especially mothers. Children as the goal of education and the realization of child protection have been regulated in legislation. The authors conducted the community service activity with an online legal counseling method to Family Welfare Movement Team (here and after called TP-PKK) in Regency/City throughout West Kalimantan. In conclusion, TP-PKK has a role in creating child protection in fulfillment of education rights during the Covid-19 pandemic. Legal counseling could be carried out widely and sustainably to motivate parents or families to assist their children in the online learning process, so child protection is realized



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How to Cite

Serah, Y. A., Yuliastini, A. ., Setiawati, R. ., & Septinawati, S. A. . (2021). PThe Role of Family Welfare Movement Team (TP-PKK) in Creating Child Protection in Fulfillment of Education Rights During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Community Development Journal, 5(3), 280–287.