
  • Yessy Nur Endah Sary Stikes Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan
  • Tutik Hidayati Stikes Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan
  • Iis Hanifah Stikes Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan



Keywords: Gadgets, Pre-school children


The progress of communication technology, one of which is the gadget has influenced many people's views on things in everyday life, including the view of being a parent. In the past, parents still talked about their children playing outdoors with traditional games with other children. However, nowadays parents rely more on digital technology as a medium for children's play. Many parents who then compete to provide digital access to their children and provide digital technology are immediately taken by children.

Based on observations conducted at Putra Bangsa Kindergarten in September, through direct interviews with 10 parents of children at Putra Bangsa Kindergarten stated that all their children are often at home both at night and during the day after returning home from school asking to play Mobile compared to playing outdoors with their peers. This must be done by the parents because if the child does not obey, he goes berserk and becomes angry. One effort to minimize the use of gadgets in children is health promotion which is an effort to empower the community to maintain, improve and protect the health of themselves and their environment. Empowering is an effort to build power or develop self-reliance carried out by raising awareness, ability and developing a climate that supports independence. Thus, health promotion is an effort to influence the community to stop high-risk behavior and replace it with safe or low-risk behavior. Therefore an effort is needed to reduce the negative impact of gadgets and minimize the use of gadgets, especially in children.

The results showed that there was an increase in the knowledge of pre-school aged children and their parents about how to minimize the use of gadgets. There is an increase in understanding and increase in mother's motivation to limit children from using gadgets and divert them with educational games. This activity is expected to be applied all the time by every parent so that children are more socialized with their environment and not dependent on technological games or gadgets.


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How to Cite

Sary, Y. N. E., Hidayati, T., & Hanifah, I. (2020). MINIMALISIR PENGGUNAAN GADGET PADA ANAK PRA SEKOLAH. Community Development Journal, 4(1).