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Novera Herdiani Wiwik Afridah


Abstract: Background, nutritional status is a description of balance between the need of nutrients
for keeping a good life, to maintenance normal body function also energy production in one side
and the consumption of nutrients in the other. Children in elementary school are the best target for
improvement of community nutrition because in the childhood the function of the brain organ
began to form so the development of intelligence is quite rapid. Lack of nutritional intake in
children can inhibit the physical growth and thinking ability in children and subsequently reduce in
learning interest. Therefore the nutritional status of the children must detect immediately to carry
out the preventive measurements. Objective, the purpose of this study is to know the nutritional
status of children at grade VI in elementary school Miftakhul Ulum Surabaya based on height and
weight. Methods, this study is a quantitative descriptive using survey method, weighting index
instrument by height in children aged 6–17 years old from Health Department in 2011. This study
used the measurement of body weight and height. Subjects of this study were all students at grade VI
in elementary school Miftakhul Ulum Surabaya, which amount 81 children. Data collecting techniques use anthropometric measurements which include measurement of body weight and height
then calculated base of data analysis techniques using quantitative descriptive with percentage.
Result, study results showed most of the students were 12 years old (56.80%), mostly male (55.60%).
most of them have body height 130–140 cm (37.00%), and body weight 31–40 kg (46,90%). Male
children have more problems with their nutritional status (51.10%). Male children much often
have underweight and over weight (13.30%) than girls. By the increasing their age, their BMI will
be normal category (100%). By the age of 13 and 14 years old, the children will not have underweight (0%). Conclusion, based on the nutritional status of all children at grade VI, it can be
concluded that the nutritional status of children at grade VI in elementary school Miftakhul Ulum
Surabaya is in underweight category (very thin and lean) with percentage 56.80%. While the normal weight percentage 32.10%, and over weight (fat and obesity) with percentage 11.10%.


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How to Cite
Herdiani, N., & Afridah, W. (2018). GAMBARAN STATUS GIZI ANAK KELAS VI DI SEKOLAH DASAR MIFTAKHUL ULUM SURABAYA. Medical and Health Science Journal, 2(1).
nutritional status, children at grade VI, elementary school

Novera Herdiani

Wiwik Afridah