The Influence of Physical Activity, Knowledge, and Diet on The Incidence of Degenerative Diseases in The Gymnastics Community
Main Article Content
According to statistics from the 2018 Basic Health Research, 65.7% of Indonesians
suffer from degenerative illnesses, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and
joint disease. According to Ministry of Health data, the number of persons with diabetes
would have increased to 6.2% (10.8 million) by 2020, and 236,710 diabetes-related
fatalities were recorded in 2021. Data on risk variables and outcomes were gathered
concurrently in this cross-sectional research, which uses a descriptive quantitative
approach. Data for the research was gathered using Google Forms, and the study
population consists of 62 senior citizens from RW 07, Wonokromo Village. The
incidence of degenerative illnesses is the dependent variable, while physical activity,
knowledge, food, and lifestyle are the independent factors. The Chi-Square test and
cross-tabulation were used for analysis. The findings indicate that, albeit just once a
week, most respondents participate in physical activities like gymnastics largely for
their physical well-being. Most respondents stick to a set eating schedule even when
they do not strictly follow a diet. The results suggest that although education, nutrition,
and lifestyle do have a major impact on the occurrence of degenerative diseases,
physical exercise alone does not.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2024 Budhi Setianto
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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