The Effectiveness of Classical Music Therapy in Reducing Anxiety Among Senior-Level Students when Facing Their Final Assignments Among Public Health Students at Universitas Indonesia Maju in 2023


  • Intan Puspita Asri Universitas Indonesia Maju
  • Agustina sari Indonesia Maju University, Jakarta, Indonesia



Kecemasan, Kesehatan mental, Mahasiswa, Terapi Musik


In 2019, approximately 301 million people worldwide lived with anxiety disorders, and

280 million people lived with depression. According to research conducted by the

Center for Reproductive Health et al. (2022), anxiety disorders (26.7%) are the most

prevalent mental health disorders experienced by adolescents, affecting both boys

(25.4%) and girls (28.2%) in Indonesia. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness

of classical music therapy in reducing anxiety among final-year public health students in

2023. The sample size for this research was 32 respondents. The research method used

was a quasi-experimental design employing a non-equivalent control group design, with

accidental sampling as the sampling technique. The pre-test and post-test results for the

control group showed a p-value of 0.232, which means it is more significant than 0.05,

indicating no effect. In contrast, the pre-test and post-test results for the experimental

group displayed a p-value of 0.027, which is less than 0.05, indicating a significant

impact. Thus, there was a difference in anxiety levels after applying classical music

therapy among final-year public health students facing their final projects at Indonesia

Maju University in 2023. In conclusion, classical music therapy is effective in reducing

anxiety. Therefore, classical music therapy is expected to be one of the alternative

methods for reducing stress, not only when completing final projects but also in other



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How to Cite

Intan Puspita Asri, & sari, A. . (2024). The Effectiveness of Classical Music Therapy in Reducing Anxiety Among Senior-Level Students when Facing Their Final Assignments Among Public Health Students at Universitas Indonesia Maju in 2023. Journal of Health Sciences, 17(02), 122–132.