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Yessi Septia Tampubolon Haripin Togap Sinaga Evlin SH Sitinjak


Child growth trends are used to compare weight gain and body length or height with

standard weight gain and body length or height gain. Based on data from the 2021

Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI) in North Sumatra Province in Madina

Regency. The prevalence of stunted children (TB/U) is 47.7%. Based on 2018

Riskesdas survey data in North Sumatra Province in Madina Regency. The prevalence

of stunted children (TB/U) is 17.3%. Determine the trend in achieving nutritional status

aged 0-23 months based on the TB/U index against the 2019-2022 Median Line in

Madina Regency (Secondary Data Analysis). The method used in this research is

secondary data. Secondary data is data obtained through relevant agencies in the form of

documents or references related to the problem being studied. The data source in this

research is e-PPGBM data in Madina Regency from 2019 to 2022. Results in the graph

of male and female toddlers, the z-score of female toddlers is closer to the median line.

A line graph goes up and down (zigzag) on the male line graph, which could cause

invalid data.


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How to Cite
Tampubolon, Y. S., Sinaga , H. T. ., & Sitinjak , E. S. (2024). Trends in achieving nutritional status aged 0-23 months based on the TB/U index against the median line for 2019-2022 in Madina Regency. Journal of Health Sciences, 17(02), 184–189.
Nutritional status, z-score, Secondary data


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Yessi Septia Tampubolon, Poltekkes Medan

Haripin Togap Sinaga

Evlin SH Sitinjak