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Dian Nurafifah Ratih Indah Kartikasari Ihda Mauliyah Andri Tri Kusumaningrum


The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations International Children's
Emergency Fund (UNICEF) have recommended exclusive breastfeeding, but there are
still mothers who do not provide exclusive breastfeeding. In 2018, its number was only
37.3%, while the government's target of exclusive breastfeeding coverage of 80%. One
effort to support exclusive breastfeeding mothers is giving certificates. This study aims
to determine the correlation between granting exclusive breastfeeding certificates and
maternal motivation for exclusive breastfeeding. It was a correlational study with a
cross-sectional design. The independent variable was granting exclusive breastfeeding
certificates, while the dependent variable was maternal motivation for exclusive
breastfeeding. The population was breastfeeding mothers for more than six months in
Bedingin Village, Sugio District, Lamongan Regency. The samples were 40 respondents
with simple random sampling. We interviewed respondents with a questionnaire as a
research instrument. Then, data analysis used the Chi-Square test with α = 0.05. 87.9%
of mothers who received exclusive breastfeeding certificates had good motivation for
exclusive breastfeeding. In addition, the Chi-Square test obtained p=0.000 (α˂0.05).
Thus, there was a significant correlation between granting exclusive breastfeeding
certificates and maternal motivation for exclusive breastfeeding. In conclusion,
awarding exclusive breastfeeding certificates increase maternal motivation for exclusive
breastfeeding. Further, it could improve coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in
Indonesia. The local government should make policies in issuing exclusive
breastfeeding certificates.


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How to Cite
Nurafifah, D. ., Indah Kartikasari, R., Mauliyah, I. ., & Tri Kusumaningrum, A. . (2022). Granting Exclusive Breastfeeding Certificate to Increase Maternal Motivation for Exclusive Breastfeeding. Journal of Health Sciences, 15(01), 92–97.


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Dian Nurafifah, Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan

Ratih Indah Kartikasari, Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan

Ihda Mauliyah, Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan

Andri Tri Kusumaningrum, Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan