Effect of Ergonomic Gymnastics on Systolic Blood Pressure Among Individuals with Hypertension in Kaliasin Family Welfare Development
Main Article Content
One of the things that can affect blood pressure is a lack of physical activity. Ergonomic
gymnastics is an exercise that easy to learn and understand. This paper analyzes the
effect of ergonomic exercise on systolic blood pressure among individuals with
hypertension in the Kaliasin family welfare empowerment. This research was a pre-
experimental study with a One-group pre-posttest design. The sampling technique
utilized non-probability sampling with the purposive sampling technique. In addition,
the population was 20 individuals with hypertension in Kaliasin family welfare
empowerment. Fifteen people met the inclusion criteria – 45-55 years old and had stage
I hypertension with 140-159 mmHg systolic. The independent variable was ergonomic
gymnastics, while the dependent variable was systolic blood pressure. Ergonomic
gymnastics were performed six times for two weeks with 25-30 minutes in each
meeting. In addition, the instruments were ergonomic gymnastics manuals with an
observation sheet and a sphygmomanometer. Data analysis utilized the Wilcoxon
signed-rank test with a significance level of 0.05. The results showed that most
respondents had 155-159 mmHg in systolic blood pressure (40%) before the ergonomic
gymnastic. Meanwhile, after the intervention, they had 145-149 mmHg (33.3%) and
150-154 mmHg (33.3%). In addition, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test obtains ρ=0.001
(α≤ 0.05). Thus, there was a difference in systolic blood pressure before and after
ergonomic gymnastics. Ergonomic gymnastics can decrease systolic blood pressure.
Individuals with stage I hypertension should perform ergonomic gymnastics routinely to
avoid the complication of hypertension.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2022 Diyan Mutyah, Hidayatus Sya’diyah, Sukma Ayu Candra Kirana

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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