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Winawati Eka Putri Yuli Kurniawati Tantawi Djauhari


Abstract: Human skin color is determined by melanin pigment,either eumelanin or feomelanin.
Melanogenesis is a melanin synthesized process that is initiated with tirosin oxidation to DOPAquinone
by tirosinase, and then auto-oxidation to DOPA and DOPAchrome. Eumelanin are formed from
DOPAchrome, while pheomelanin from DOPAquinone with the presence of cysteine or gluthathione.
Hyperpigmentation disorders like melasma, are difficult to treat especially in dark skinned individuals.
Treatment of melasma can be topical or physical. Topical agent can use depigmenting agent, either
individual or combination with other. Depigmenting agent can be melanotoxic or toxic to melanocyte
which can be cell killing or cell damage. Hydroquinone, monomethyl of hydroqunone, N-acetyl-4-Scysteaminylphenol ,and azelaic acid are depigmenting agents melanotoxic. Majority of those agents act
as tirosinase inhibitors which cause deactivation of tirosinase. The use of those agents in combination
are better to minimalize side effect of agents.


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How to Cite
Putri, W. E., Kurniawati, Y., & Djauhari, T. (2018). DEPIGMENTING AGENT MELANOTOKSIK PADA PENGOBATAN MELASMA. Medical and Health Science Journal, 2(2).
melasma, melanogenesis, depigmenting agents, melanotoxic

Winawati Eka Putri

Yuli Kurniawati

Tantawi Djauhari