
Mohamad Yusak Anshori Febronia Meda Sulistyaningtyas Khairi Wahyuni


This research aims to analyze the mental workload of Prime Plaza Hotel Kualanamu
employees and provide recommendations to management to overcome the decline in service quality
due to workload. Data was taken from the Rooms Division which consists of the front office
department and housekeeping department with a total of 18 respondents from various levels of
positions. The NASA-TLX method was used to process the data, and the results showed that the
workload in the Rooms Division was very high based on six indicators. This research aims to
understand the level of mental workload on employees after the Covid-19 pandemic and provide
input to management for more effective workload distribution. The research results show the need
for additional training for supervisors and additional workforce in the Front Office area, such as
reservations, drivers and security. Training is also needed for supervisors and staff in the
housekeeping area so that work becomes more efficient.


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How to Cite
Anshori, M. Y., Meda Sulistyaningtyas, F., & Wahyuni, K. (2023). Analisa Beban Mental Karyawan Menggunakan Nasa - Tlx Rooms Division Prime Plaza Hotel Kualanamu. Accounting and Management Journal, 7(2), 48–55. https://doi.org/10.33086/amj.v7i2.5385
Workload, NASA – TLX, Hotel


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Mohamad Yusak Anshori

Febronia Meda Sulistyaningtyas

Khairi Wahyuni