
Mirela Tushe


The nurse plays a vital role in communication with the patient/ client. She/he is the person who spends the most time with the patient and constantly takes care of him/ her.

From the first moments of presentation, reception and companionship of the patient, a relationship of interaction is created between each other.

The nurse is the health professional who in the communication process is the information provider and the patient/client are the receiver, still these roles are sometimes exchanged depending on the situation.

The way we communicate, the ethics we use, the behavior and attitude we maintain, the values ​​we present, show and highlight the figure and model of the professional nurse.


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How to Cite
Tushe, M. (2024). THE NURSE’S ROLE IN COMMUNICATION WITH THE PATIENT/CLIENT. Nurse and Holistic Care, 4(1), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.33086/nhc.v4i1.5412
Nurse, Communication, Health, Nursing Care, Patient, Client, Problems, Ethics, Empathy


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Mirela Tushe, Nurse