Journal of Health Community Service <p>Journal of Health Community Service as an International Journal focuses on community service program to advance theories, research and practices related to all forms of outreach and community service, which have developing health community. Community service means services to society, especially in health sector, applying science and technology based on their field, increasing the capacity of society and community empowerment. The journal draws on existing issues from that health of field. This includes highlighting innovation of community empowerment, and reporting on health research, community-based research, action research, and community services, as well as improving the knowledge and practice in the field of health community.</p> UNUSA Press en-US Journal of Health Community Service 2798-1169 Implementation of Elderly School Bagja Lahir Batin in Raja Manggala Kulon, Cipatat, West Bandung, West Java Province <p>An increase in the number of the elderly population becomes a problem if the elderly experience a decline in health which has an impact on increasing healthcare costs, increasing disability rates, decreasing income, lack of social support and an environment that is less friendly to the elderly. BAZNAS (National Amil Zakat Agency) of West Java Province in collaboration with Yayasan Indonesia Ramah Lansia and the West Bandung District Government of West Java Province, is committed to providing services to the elderly and providing education to the public to care for the elderly, namely the Nya'ah Ka Kolot (care for the elderly) program. One of the activities of the Nya'ah Ka Kolot extensive program to contribute to improving the quality of life of the elderly is an informal school for the elderly called "Sekolah Lansia Bagja Lahir Batin". This activity is carried out once a month for ten months. Elderly who attends elderly schools experience an increase in knowledge and skills regarding physical, psychological, social and spiritual health problems so that the quality of life of the elderly has increased. The satisfaction index of the elderly attending senior school is above 80%.</p> Rizky Erwanto Dwi Endah Kurniasih Rachmat Ari Kusumanto Budi Raharja Copyright (c) 2023 Rizky Erwanto, Dwi Endah Kurniasih, Rachmat Ari Kusumanto, Budi Raharja 2023-01-31 2023-01-31 3 1 1 8 10.33086/jhcs.v3i1.3714 HYPERTENSION HEALTH EDUCATION AND HYPERTENSION EXERCISE TRAINING IN THE ELDERLY AT WISMA CEMPAKA UPT PSTW JEMBER <p>The elderly are at higher risk of developing various degenerative diseases. Hypertension is often called the "Silent Killer", which can unwittingly cause death due to complications without proper treatment. Therefore, hypertension health education is expected to increase knowledge of the elderly, and hypertension exercise training can help reduce complications. This community service program aims to increase the elderly's knowledge of hypertension and be able to apply the hypertension exercise method at Wisma Cempaka UPT PSTW Jember. The community service method uses a gerontic nursing care approach which includes various stages, namely an initial survey related to hypertension through blood pressure checks in the elderly, then carrying out hypertension counseling with counseling methods and interactive discussions, then continuing with training on how to apply hypertension exercise by students and a joint demonstration with the Wisma elderly. Cempaka UPT PSTW Jember. The results of this activity indicate an increase in knowledge among the elderly regarding hypertension from 42% to 75% at the end of the activity. The average decrease in elderly blood pressure is ten mmHg in systolic and five mmHg in diastole after exercise hypertension for three consecutive days. This proves the importance of health education and training in the form of hypertension exercise to be carried out continuously in controlling blood pressure and minimizing the risk of hypertension complications in the elderly. Therefore, monitoring of exercise training and sustainable hypertension health education is expected to be continued regularly to maintain the health of the elderly.</p> Rista Dwi Pratiwi Intan Rahmawati Resita Ovina Intiyaskanti Nila Uli Saadah Badrus Sholeh Tantut Susanto Copyright (c) 2023 Rista Dwi Pratiwi, Intan Rahmawati, Resita Ovina Intiyaskanti, Nila Uli Saadah, Badrus Sholeh, Tantut Susanto 2023-02-03 2023-02-03 3 1 9 15