Medical Technology and Public Health Journal <p>Medical Technology and Public Health Journal with registered number ISSN 2549-189X (printed) and e-ISSN 2549-2993 (online) is a scientific open access journal published by Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Indonesia. Medical Technology and Public Health Journal (MTPHJ) is for publication high impact articles under Indonesia Public Health Association (IPHA). This aims to be a media of research results dissemination and exchange of scientific work of various groups, academics, practitioners, and government agencies. MTPHJ has two issues per year (March and September). Papers submitted must be of scientific excellence as well as provide a significant impact on the development in all fields of medical technology, nutrition, public health, and occupational health and safety. Peer-reviewed with double-blind methods is using in reviewing process.</p> en-US (Fakultas Kesehatan) (Medical Technology and Public Health Journal) Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Infectious Disease Health Problems at Pondok Pesantren X, Pasuruan City in 2023 <p><em>Pesantren is an Islamic educational institution that provides religious education services. Pesantren usually provides dormitories for students, where many people live in one location, resulting in crowded living conditions for an extended period. If anyone who infected an infectous disease which can easily transmit to other, and moreover this can lead to an outbreak which can lead enormous losses. Therefore, we want to do an analysis situation of infectious disease that happened in Pondok Pesantren X. We managed to interview 102 santri and observed some dormitory room. Based on our analysis on the infectious disease situation, we can conclude that the diseases recorded in the clinic do not encompass all illnesses experienced by the students. Common infectious diseases among students in the Pondok Pesantren not only scabies as many people says so, there are also acute respiratory infections, gastroenteritis, typhoid, COVID-19, tuberculosis (TBC), and dengue fever (DBD). We suggest the Caregiver and administrators of the Pondok Pesantren can encourage students to avoid risky behaviors leading to infectious diseases. </em></p> Kuuni Ulfah Naila El Muna, Dwi Handayani, Mursyidul Ibad Copyright (c) 2024 Kuuni Ulfah Naila El Muna, Dwi Handayani, Mursyidul Ibad Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nutritional status, individual traits, and disease incidence at An-Nur Boarding School, Surabaya <p><em>One of the relative impacts caused by nutrition is weakening resistance to diseases that are usually not fatal and improving nutrition is a main factor that helps increase resistance to disease. This research aims to find out the nutritional status, individual characteristics and incidence of disease in students at the An-Nur Islamic Boarding School in Surabaya. The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach and verification method. The population in this study were students at the An-nur Islamic Boarding School, Surabaya. The sample technique used is simple random sampling. The questionnaire has been validated and consists of 4 sections: General information on respondents (characteristics of age, gender, length of time as a student), nutritional status, stress (using the DASS 21 stress section), gastritis (signs and symptoms), and scabies (risk factors and symptom). The results of this research are that the average age of the students is 19.5 years, the majority are women, 50 students, the majority are new students, the nutritional status of most of them is normal, 43 students have a fairly high stress level, 39 students have low levels of gastritis and only 18 students have scabies. low, only 17 students. The conclusion of this research is that most of the students are still young/adolescents, the majority are women, many are new students, the majority have normal nutritional status, high stress levels, low incidence of gastritis and scabies.</em></p> Maki Zamzam Zamzam, Novera, Lidia Copyright (c) 2024 Maki Zamzam Zamzam, Novera, Lidia Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An Analysis of the Effect of Team Situation Awareness on Patient Safety Incidents using Teamwork as the Intervening Variable <p><em>The definition of Patient Safety Incidents (PSIs) refers to specific occurrences that unintentionally happen and result in, or potentially lead to, injuries in patients if not prevented. PSIs require special attention, especially in healthcare settings. According to the report collected by the Hospital Patient Safety Committee of the Surabaya Orthopedic and Traumatology Hospital from 2018 to 2021, there were 177 patient safety incidents recorded. This study aims to analyze the effect of Team Situation Awareness (TSA) on Patient Safety Incidents through Teamwork at Surabaya Orthopedic and Traumatology Hospital. The variables identified for analysis are Team Situation Awareness (TSA) and Teamwork. Because this study was conducted over a specific time period, it follows a cross-sectional design and is an analytical observational study. Path analysis was employed to analyze the data. The measurement revealed that TSA resulted in 64.3% of work units being categorized at level 2 (comprehension), and for Teamwork, 64.3% of the works units were categorized as “Good”. The results of the Path Analysis using SmartPLS 4.0 showed the effect of TSA was significant with a p-value of &lt;0.05, and TSA’s effect on Teamwork was also significant with a p-value of &lt;0.05. Based on the path analysis (SEM-PLS), it was found that TSA indirectly affected PSIs through Teamwork, with a significant indirect effect having a p-value &lt;0.05. Team Situation Awareness indirectly influenced PSIs through Teamwork. One approach to reducing the frequency of PSIs is to improve Team Situation Awareness (TSA) within each work unit at Surabaya Orthopedic and Traumatologic Hospital.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Patient Safety Incidents, PSIs</em><em>, team situation awareness, TSA</em><em>, teamwork</em></p> Ristiya Galih Paramita, Terivenna Wijaya , Djazuly Chalidyanto, Akas Yekti Pulih Asih Copyright (c) 2024 Ristiya Galih Paramita, Terivenna Wijaya , Djazuly Chalidyanto, Akas Yekti Pulih Asih Thu, 28 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect Of Additing Centella Asiatica L. Urban Leaves on the Moisture Content And Acceptability Of Centella Asiatica Sticks <p><em>Pegagan (Centella Asiatica L. Urban) is a plant that belongs to the Umbelliferae or Apiaceae tribe. </em><em>It is an h</em><em>erbal plant that grow</em><em>s</em><em> on the ground, </em><em>with </em><em>a wide distribution area, especially in the tropics and subtropics. </em><em>Currently</em><em>, </em><em>there</em><em> is </em><em>a scarcity</em> <em>of</em><em> innovations for healthy and nutritious sticks, </em><em>making</em><em> it </em><em>essential</em><em> to </em><em>explore</em> <em>new avenues </em><em>in product development. Sticks are </em><em>widely</em><em>popular</em><em>among people of all ages</em><em>, from teenagers to adults. This study aims to analyze the moisture content and acceptability of gotu kola leaves sticks. The study </em><em>employe a </em><em>Completely Randomized Design</em><em> (RAL)</em><em> with</em><em> one</em><em> control and </em><em>three</em><em> treatments, namely 4%, 6% and 8%. </em><em>O</em><em>rganoleptic tests and water content tests w</em><em>ere</em> <em>c</em><em>conducted</em><em> on June 15, 2022, at the Chemical Laboratory of the Karya Husada Nutrition Academy, Kediri</em><em>, Indonesia</em><em>. The </em><em>study </em><em>results </em><em>revealed a significance level of </em><em> &lt;0.05, </em><em>indicating</em><em> no difference in the acceptability of the color, aroma, texture and taste of pegagan leaves sticks. In the color acceptability test, </em><em>100% of</em><em> panelists most favored sticks P1 and P2</em><em>.</em><em>, in the aroma stick acceptance test the panelists most liked sticks P1 and P2 by 100%, </em><em>For</em><em> stick texture acceptance</em><em>,</em> <em>100% of panelists favored</em><em> sticks P2</em><em>.</em><em>, </em><em>I</em><em>n the stickiness</em> <em>test, </em><em>the preferred sticks weres P1 by 100%. The l</em><em>lowest</em><em>t water content</em><em>,</em><em> with the addition of pegagan leaves</em><em>,</em><em> was found in treatment 1 with</em><em> a</em><em> 4% </em><em>addition of </em><em>pegagan leaves at 2.63%. further research </em><em>is</em><em> needed </em><em>to explore</em><em> the antioxidant content and</em><em> the</em><em> expiration of pegagan sticks.</em></p> Frenky Arif Budiman, Cucuk Suprihartini, Catur Wulandari, Rizqi Enjang Suryaningputri Copyright (c) 2024 Frenky Arif Budiman Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Assessment and Management of Dehydration in Children Based on Digital: A Systematic Review <p><em>Dehydration remains a critical issue in children and can pose a risk of mortality. Nurses play a crucial role in promptly and accurately preventing dehydration, beginning with the recognition of its causes and symptoms in patients. A thorough assessment by nurses is key to ensuring proper and timely treatment of dehydrated patients, especially in high-activity emergency units. The integration of technology into emergency units is essential for enhancing patient services and decision-making processes. This study aims to conduct a systematic review by analyzing the use of mobile phone applications in assessing signs of dehydration and possible management in hospital services. Four databases (Scopus, Science Direct, and Pubmed) were used in this study using the keywords assessment, smartphone, and dehydration management. Access to the quality of this study using a cross-sectional design from Joanna Briggs Institute. Use the PRISMA flowchart to summarize the study selection. Limit for the last eight years, namely 2017 – 2022. The results of this study met the inclusion criteria, including patients with dehydration caused by gastroenteritis problems and pediatric or pediatric patients. inclusion and exclusion criteria applied to the PICOS framework. </em></p> <p><em>The result of eleven studies in the article found that a digital-based dehydration management approach is very beneficial for the effectiveness of services and initial assessment of the patient's clinical condition. The integrity of digital technology in healthcare has revolutionized many aspects of healthcare management and delivery. By implementing digital solutions such as dehydration management documents, health workers can improve their ability to prevent and treat dehydration.</em></p> Lidwina Dewiyanti Wea, Yulis Setiya Dewi, Ferry Efendi Copyright (c) 2024 Lidwina Dewiyanti Wea, Yulis Setiya Dewi, Ferry Efendi Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Hemodialysis Patient Safety Instruments: A Systematic Review <p><em>Hemodialysis is a technically complex procedure with many potential adverse events that can harm patients when they occur. However, hemodialysis services have not been fully implemented in standard operating procedures such as the administration process or hemodialysis programming, resulting in discomfort, adverse events, and the possibility of mild to severe patient incidents. This study aimed to review and criticize various instruments that discuss research and development of instruments to prevent adverse events in hemodialysis services. Articles from 2013 to 2023 were chosen from Scopus, Pubmed, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science. The terms used were hemodialysis safety, hemodialysis patient safety, and hemodialysis patient safety instrument based on paper, website, and technology. Overall, the review consists of 12 articles. This review discusses strategies for developing innovation, technology, or patient safety instruments and reporting to reduce adverse events and improve patient safety. The development of patient safety instruments can reduce adverse events and improve patient safety so that it can impact the aspects of improving the quality of service of a health care institution, especially hemodialysis services.</em></p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Dialysis patient safety instrument, Hemodialysis, Hemodialysis patient safety instrument</em><em>.</em></p> Choirul Anwar Copyright (c) 2024 Choirul Anwar Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Determinants of Successful Aging in Older Adults: A Systematic Review of Psychological, Social, and Physical Factors <p><strong><em>Introduction: </em></strong><em>Successful aging was defined as reaching old age with a healthy physical condition, good cognitive, and having a positive and fulfilling social life. This is supported by the existence of psychological, social, and physical factors that can influence successful aging in the older adults.&nbsp; The </em><em>aim of this study was to describe</em><em> the </em><em>determinants of successful aging in older adults based on psychological, social and physical factors.</em><em> <strong>Methods:</strong> The compilers of this systematic review are based on literature studies from </em><em>various</em><em> electronic database</em><em>s</em><em>, including PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, </em><em>ScienceDirect, Springer Link </em><em>and ProQuest by conducting a comprehensive review using PRISMA guidelines and The Center for Review and Dissemination and the Joanna Briggs Institute Guideline as a guide in qualitaty assessment of several journals. <strong>Results:</strong> A total of 9 articles were analyzed. The</em> <em>determinants identifed for </em><em>successful</em> <em>aging</em><em> include including:</em> <em>Physical factors such as </em><em>physical activity,</em><em> muscle strength, and walking speed.</em> <em>Psychological factors such as mental health, optimism, and resilience.</em> <em>Social factors such as social support, social participation, and positive interpersonal relationships.<strong> Conclusions</strong>: </em><em>It is concluded that there are several psychological, social, and physical factors that influence a person's success in aging well or successful aging. By paying attention to these factors, it is hoped that the elderly can maximize their potential to achieve successful aging and maintain a good quality of life while aging.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Successful Aging, Older Adults, Determinants</em></p> <p><strong><em>Introduction: </em></strong><em>Successful aging was defined as reaching old age with a healthy physical condition, good cognitive, and having a positive and fulfilling social life. This is supported by the existence of psychological, social, and physical factors that can influence successful aging in the older adults.&nbsp; The </em><em>aim of this study was to describe</em><em> the </em><em>determinants of successful aging in older adults based on psychological, social and physical factors.</em><em> <strong>Methods:</strong> The compilers of this systematic review are based on literature studies from </em><em>various</em><em> electronic database</em><em>s</em><em>, including PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, </em><em>ScienceDirect, Springer Link </em><em>and ProQuest by conducting a comprehensive review using PRISMA guidelines and The Center for Review and Dissemination and the Joanna Briggs Institute Guideline as a guide in qualitaty assessment of several journals. <strong>Results:</strong> A total of 9 articles were analyzed. The</em> <em>determinants identifed for </em><em>successful</em> <em>aging</em><em> include including:</em> <em>Physical factors such as </em><em>physical activity,</em><em> muscle strength, and walking speed.</em> <em>Psychological factors such as mental health, optimism, and resilience.</em> <em>Social factors such as social support, social participation, and positive interpersonal relationships.<strong> Conclusions</strong>: </em><em>It is concluded that there are several psychological, social, and physical factors that influence a person's success in aging well or successful aging. By paying attention to these factors, it is hoped that the elderly can maximize their potential to achieve successful aging and maintain a good quality of life while aging.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Audy Savira Yustanti, Nadiya Sahara Annisa, Retno Indarwati, Andri Setiya Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 Audy Savira Yustanti, Nadiya Sahara Annisa, Retno Indarwati, Andri Setiya Wahyudi Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Factors Contributing to the Failure to Utilize the Public Health Center Information Management Systems (SIMPUS) at the Burneh Public Health Center <p><em>The optimal Public Health Center Information Management Systems (SIMPUS) aims to reduce workload and improve service efficiency in Public Health Centers. However, the patient registration process at Burneh Public Health Center is still done manually due to the inability to use, the SIMPUS application after the computer is damaged and not promptly repaired. This manual medical record storage system adversely affects patient service duration. The objective of this study is to identify the reasons for the failure of SIMPUS usage. The method employed is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Interviews and observations serve as the research instruments</em>. <em>The results indicates several factors contributing to the failure of SIMPUS usage, including inadequate human resources (lack of competence officers and insufficient knowledge), unmet budgetary support for SIMPUS usage, absence of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for usage, and inadequate facilities, infrastructure, and equipment to support effective SIMPUS utilization. Addressing these issues at Burneh Public Health Center can resolve challenges associated with SIMPUS. </em> </p> Eka Suci Daniyanti, Eddy Moeljono, Muhammad Fikri Fahmi Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Suci Daniyanti, Eddy Moeljono, Muhammad Fikri Fahmi Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Relationship between Safety Knowledge and Safety Motivation with Safety Performance among Constructions Workers of PT.X in Bandung Regency <p><em>The prevalence of accidents in Indonesia from 2017 to 2021 has increased from 123,040 cases to 234,270 cases yearly.Individuals need to implement safety performance measures. One of the personal factors that affect safety performance is safety knowledge and safety motivation</em>.<em> This study aims to determine the relationship between safety knowledge and motivation with safety performance among construction workers of PT.X in Bandung Regency. This research was conducted during the PT X construction project at Bandung Regency. The research started in November 2022 and finished in January 2023. This study used a quantitative approach with observational analytics and a cross-sectional research design. The study population consists of 127 construction workers employed by PT X in Bandung Regency. The method used in this research is simple random sampling with a minimum sample size required for this study of 96 respondents. Analytics data used the chi-square test to analyze bivariate data with a significance value of 0,05. The independent variables in this study are safety knowledge and safety motivation, while the dependent variables are safety performance. The result of this research showed that there was a relationship between safety knowledge (0.00&lt;0.05) and safety motivation (0.01&lt;0.05) with safety performance. Increasing workers' knowledge of potential hazards, risks, and controls in the construction sector will motivate workers to behave safely in the work environment. </em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Safety Knowledge, Safety Motivation, Safety Performance</em></p> Dwi Estu Pratiwi, Rachmy Rosidah Ro'is, Yustinus Denny Ardyanto Wahyudiono Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Estu Pratiwi, Rachmy Rosidah Ro'is, Yustinus Denny Ardyanto Wahyudiono Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Use of e-Counseling to Enhance Adherence of Patient Tuberculosis: A Systematic Review <p><em>Electronic health, or e-Health, can revolutionize the clinical management of tuberculosis (TB) through enhanced treatment efficiency and effectiveness, among other benefits. Regarding TB, this may entail teleconsultation, which allows medical professionals to speak with TB specialists remotely, or telemonitoring, which allows patients to be remotely monitored using digital technology.</em> <em>This paper aims to determine the effectiveness of tele-counselling in enhancing adherence to patient tuberculosis. </em></p> <p><em>We used the Scopus database, Science Direct, Ebsco Host, and PubMed for English published between 2018 and 2023: the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines assessed eligibility, PRISMA quality, and a checklist to guide this review. The articles have case-control, quasi-experimental, mixed method studies, and randomized control trials (RCT). E-counseling was included in the analysis if they focused on tuberculosis and were excluded if unrelated to other disease areas.</em></p> <p><em>Fifteen articles that could be used in this review were found. The majority of the population were adults. Results of the review showed that most m-Health apps support tuberculosis treatment. There are numerous ways that electronic counseling, or “e-counseling,” may improve adherence to TB treatment.</em></p> <p><em>This study illustrated how m-health might improve patient comprehension and adherence. The five goals of the World Health Organization (WHO) e-Health framework are being met using more e-Health treatments to treat TB. Among the technology interventions demonstrated to have a significant, positive effect on disease outcomes are smartphone apps, mobile voice conversations, SMS, and instructive films.</em></p> <p><em> </em><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>E-counselling; m-Health; tuberculosis; patient adherence</em></p> Rani Sulistiawati, Tintin Sukartini, Makhfudli, Fransiska Mau Leon Copyright (c) 2024 Rani Sulistiawati, Tintin Sukartini, Makhfudli, Fransiska Mau Leon Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Relationship Between The Level Of Knowledge Of Kiasu Culture And The Way Of View Of High School / Vocational School Students In The City Of Surabaya To Achieve Golden Indonesia <p><em>Kiasuism is defined as a competitive attitude to achieve a better life without depriving others of their rights. Kiasu culture is applied in the social life of Singaporeans, changing people who previously had fear and lack of focus in self-regulation that hindered creativity into people who have a good mentality and high competitiveness. The research was a quantitative study using a questionnaire with high school / vocational high school students as respondents. The determination of many samples uses the slovin formula while determining respondents using cluster sampling and simple random sampling. the results of this study found that there were still many students who did not know about kiasu culture but most of them have applied several indicators of kiasu culture. The results of this study can be developed to contribute ideas for various parties in the context of improvement of daily learning culture so as to improve learning outcomes learning outcomes in high school / vocational high school students in Surabaya City.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Application of kiasu culture, definition of kiasu, positive impact of kiasu culture, survey</em></p> Husnul Kirom Ramadhani, Devlin Aldyandi Copyright (c) 2024 Husnul Kirom Ramadhani, Devlin Aldyandi Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Risk Factors of Typhoid Fever in Adolescents in PKU Muhammadiyah Singkil Islamic Hospital, Tegal District <p><em>Typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease of the small intestine caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi or Salmonella paratyphi A, B, and C. Various factors influence the occurrence of typhoid fever, including handwashing habits, consuming snacks outside the home, and environmental conditions around the house. This study aims to determine the risk factors for the incidence of typhoid fever in adolescents at PKU Muhammadiyah Singkil Hospital, Tegal Regency. The research employed an analytical observation with a cross-sectional design conducted from April to June 2021. The research method included the Widal test and filling out questionnaires. Data were analyzed using univariate and chi-square tests. The results of this study revealed 14 positive patients with typhoid fever, with a Widal titer of 1/160 (40%) and a Widal titer of 1/320 in 21 people (60%). There was no significant relationship between the habit of handwashing and the incidence of typhoid fever (p = 0,076). Similarly, no significant relationship was found between the habit of eating outside the home and the incidence of typhoid fever (p = 0,144). However, a significant relationship was observed between environmental conditions around the house and the incidence of typhoid fever (p = 0,009). It is recommended that individuals improve personal hygiene and the environment around their homes to reduce Salmonella typhi infection.</em></p> <p><em> </em><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Salmonella typhi, typhoid fever, widal test</em></p> Dita Pratiwi Kusuma Wardani Copyright (c) 2024 DITA PRATIWI KUSUMA WARDANI Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Impact of Storage on Alteration in Biochemical and Hematological Characteristics in Locally Donated Blood from Lampung Province: Assessing Potential Risks for Recipients <p><em>The utilization of stored blood for transfusion purposes is a common practice in Blood Transfusion Units worldwide. However, the storage period can induce various cellular alterations, potentially comprising the quality and efficacy of blood transfusions. This study aims to investigate changes in biochemical and hematological parameters in blood donors during the storage period. This study was a prospective study involving the observation of 10 blood bags collected from local community donors in Lampung Province. The blood samples were stored in CPDA-1 anticoagulant bags at a controlled temperature of 2-6 </em>°<em> C for 35 days.</em> <em>At regular intervals of 7 days, comprehensive assessments were performed, encompassing complete blood parameters, electrolyte concentration (Na+, K+, Cl-), and blood pH levels. After 35 days of storage, statistically significant alterations were observed. Notably, there was a significant increase in hematocrit levels (p=0.000), mean corpuscular volume (MCV) (p=0.019), lymphocyte counts (p=0.000), and potassium concentrations (p=0.000). Conversely, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) (p=0.025), leukocyte counts (p=0.000), neutrophil counts (p=0.000), platelet counts (p=0.000), sodium levels (p=0.000), chloride levels (p=0.000), and pH values (p=0.000) were significantly declines. In conclusion, blood storage leads to notable alterations in biochemical and blood cell characteristics. Therefore, it is advisable to prioritize using fresh whole blood or blood stored for no more than seven days in transfusion practices to minimize the risk of post-transfusion reactions, especially in vulnerable recipients.</em></p> <p><em> </em><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Blood transfusion, biochemical changes, cellular changes, storage.</em></p> Filia Yuniza, Yustin, Bayu Copyright (c) 2024 Filia Yuniza, Yustin, Bayu Tue, 12 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000