Journal of Islamic Civilization <p>Journal of Islamic Civilization (JIC) is managed by research institute and community service at Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (LPPM-UNUSA), and published by Unusa Press with numbers JIC's focus is related to the study of Islamic society which consists of Islamic Science &amp; Civilization, Islamic thought, Muslim community, Islamic philosophy, Islam and Peace, Islamic education, Islamic law, Islamic Economics and Business and other multidisciplinary sciences related to the study of Islamic society. JIC invites researchers, academics, and practitioners to write articles and submit them to the JIC editorial board which will be published in April and October.</p> en-US (Fifi Khoirul Fitriyah, S.Pd., M.Pd) (M. Afwan Romdloni) Sat, 18 May 2024 17:36:28 +0000 OJS 60 Building Tolerance And Balance: A Systematic Literature Review On Religious Moderation Among Students In Higher Education <p>In an increasingly complex global context, the role of religious moderation among higher education students is becoming increasingly important for promoting social harmony and intercultural dialogue. This article presents a systematic study that maps research studies on religious moderation in higher education using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. The main objective of this study is to describe current research trends on religious moderation among college students, as well as identify important implications that can be drawn from such findings. The results of this SLR analysis revealed several key findings. First, research trends underscore the role of moderate character traits in shaping compassionate attitudes, positive thinking, strengthening religious commitment, and nurturing brotherhood among college students. Second, the research also shows that religious moderation can help minimize social conflict and create an inclusive environment on campus.second, it also has implications in shaping students' character and equipping them with the social skills needed in a diverse society.</p> Ahmad Shofiyuddin, Siti Khoiriyah, Rangga Sa'adillah Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Shofiyuddin, Siti Khoiriyah, Rangga Sa'adillah Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Deciphering QS. al-Maidah: 51 in Qur'an, Liberation & Pluralism: Analyzing the Interpretation of the Word Auliya' through Farid Esack's Perspective <p>The interpretation of the term "leader" in reference to "auliya'" mentioned in Qs. al-Maidah: 51 has been a topic of debate among Indonesian Muslim scholars. In contrast to Farid Esack, who appears to lack understanding regarding the definition of leadership as it pertains to this verse, his focus remains firmly fixed on issues more relevant to the South African context. This study endeavors to propose Farid Esack's interpretation of the term auliya' in Qs. al-Maidah: 51, as it pertains to the South African context. Specifically, it examines his exploration of the word's meaning and delves into the implications of his unique perspective. This goal can be used as an alternative to other interpretations related to the word auliya' in Qs. al-Maidah. 51: 51. The research is a qualitative research with literature data which is analysed descriptively. The main data in this research is the meaning of the word auliya' in the book Qur'an Liberation &amp; Pluralism by Farid Esack. The analysis of Esack's meaning presentation is conducted by examining the literature by revisionist mufassirs. The findings of this investigation conclude that Farid Esack, based on his liberation hermeneutics, interprets the term auliya to connote collaboration and solidarity. The implication of Esack's interpretation is that it is impermissible for a Muslim to collaborate with non-Muslims unless he does not forsake Muslims, intends to safeguard believers, has entered into a peace treaty with believers, and refrains from fighting against them. When contextualized within South Africa, Esack contends that a believer can cooperate with non-Muslims if it promotes the well-being of Muslims and combats racist conduct, oppression and injustice. However, to ascertain the pertinence of utilizing these interpretations within the Indonesian context, additional research is imperative. This study solely focuses on scrutinizing the outcomes and consequences of Esack's interpretation. </p> Naufa Izzul Ummam, Abdul Haris Copyright (c) 2024 Naufa Izzul Ummam, Abdul Haris Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparative Analysis of Sharia Stock Price Indices in Indonesia, Turkey, China, and Malaysia: A Study of Integration in Sharia Capital Markets <p>The main objective of this research is to determine the long-term and short-term impacts of the relationship between the Dow Jones Islamic Market Turkey Index (DJIMTR), Dow Jones Islamic Market China/Hong Kong, Titans 30 Index (DJICHK), and Dow Jones Islamic World Malaysia Titans Index 25 (DJMY25) against the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (JKISSI). The research method used is the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) with Eviews 10 as an analysis tool. The data used is time series data, namely monthly data from January 2016 to May 2022 obtained from the and websites. The study results show that in the short term, none of the independent variables have a significant impact on JKISSI. However, in the long term, DJIMTR and DJICHK show a significant negative influence on JKISSI, while DJMY25 has a significant positive influence on JKISSI. The need for policies that strengthen the integration of Islamic capital markets in the long term to strengthen economic stability and growth in related countries and encourage more research to understand the dynamics of Islamic capital markets and identify important factors that influence their performance. This research is expected to provide a better understanding of long-term and short-term relationships in Islamic capital markets in Indonesia, Turkey, China, and Malaysia.</p> Deky Candra Saputra, Ichsan Hamidi; Ahmad Syathiri Copyright (c) 2024 Deky Candra Saputra; Ahmad Syathiri; Ichsan Hamidi Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Santri’s Multi-Track Diplomacy In Promoting The Islam Nusantara Identity To Global <p>Prior to the 1961 Vienna Statute, only state actors were allowed to engage in diplomatic activities; however, non-state actors, including private citizens, are now included as well. This is, of course, based on several factors, starting from the flow of globalization to the role of the state, which is still unable to resolve certain issues, especially in the realm of peace advocacy. Of the many non-state actors involved in the practice of modern diplomacy, one of them is the individual actor, namely santri. Santri, in this case, has great potential and opportunities to become an actor in the world of diplomacy, especially in spreading peace advocacy. This condition can be seen through the historical record of santri, which has produced many peace-oriented movements. The dissemination of advocacy values also does not forget to highlight the characteristics of the Islam Nusantara identity, which is tolerant, friendly, and inclusive. In this regard, this research aims to explain the role of santri as diplomatic actor, especially in multi-track diplomacy to promote the Islamic values of Nusantara. The results of this research also prove that the role of santri in the realm of diplomacy is very broad and can be carried out through various multi-track diplomatic activities, ranging from inter-religious dialogue and santri exchange programs to the use of media platforms for da'wah media, which have become part of the form of novel diplomacy. In addition, to support this research, the author utilizes a qualitative research framework through the use of descriptive analysis methods and historical methods to obtain secondary data, based on internet-based research technique.</p> Ana Maulana Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Maulana Sun, 25 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Relationship of Husband and Wife in The Perspective of Mubadalah: Is A Study of The Concept of Rights and Obligations According To KH. Hasyim Asy'ari <p>The concept of rights and obligations in the Book of Ḍau' Al-Miṣbaḥ Fī Bayāni Aḥkām Al-Nikāh by KH Hasyim Asy'ari refers to the textual meaning of hadith and refers to the social conditions at that time, so that the resulting understanding is gender biased. Meanwhile, nowadays the relationship between husband and wife has become a global issue. So how do you communicate this understanding so that it can be in line with current developments? The content analysis procedure used in this research method consists of four steps, namely data procurement, data reduction, inference and data analysis. In the Mubādalah principle, marriage is an agreement between a man and a woman to live together in one bond, working together to manage household roles. Because marriage is an agreement to live together, the pillars consist of five things, namely: Mitsaqan Ghalizan, Zawaj, namely partnership and togetherness, Taraadhin, Mua'syarah bil Ma'ruf, treating each other well and appropriately, Deliberation. The Mubadalah approach in reading the concept of the rights and obligations of husband and wife provides a progressive understanding and placing the relationship between husband and wife on an equal footing in both the private and public realms can provide an understanding of mutuality.</p> Isyaq Maulidan, Mukhtar Adinugroho Copyright (c) 2024 Isyaq Maulidan, Mukhtar Adinugroho Sat, 20 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Decoding Preferences: Unraveling Factors Influencing the Selection of Islamic Banking in the Minas District Community <p>Despite the economic growth in the Minas district, the development of Islamic banks remains under-researched, making it an interesting topic for investigation. This study aims to assess the impact of knowledge, religiosity and community attitudes on savings interest in Islamic banks. The variables considered are knowledge (X1), religiosity (X2), attitude (X3) and savings interest rate (Y). Using a quantitative descriptive approach with Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Squares (SEM PLS), primary data were collected from questionnaires targeting individuals aged 15 years and above in Minas District, Siak Regency, Riau Province. The results show that knowledge and religiosity have a positive and significant influence on Islamic banks, while attitude shows no significant influence. These findings provide crucial insights into the determinants of Islamic banking services at the local level and suggest that Islamic banks and stakeholders should develop more effective marketing and educational strategies. These strategies aim to improve community knowledge, religiosity and attitudes towards Shariah finance and ultimately promote interest in saving, especially in the Minas district.</p> Safardilah Arby, Anita Priantina Copyright (c) 2024 Safardilah Arby Kamsana Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Factors Driving Contemporary Islamic Civilization From Iran's Shiah Perspective <p>During Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi’s regime, around 250,000 shops were closed, 31,000 traders were imprisoned, and many clerics and civilians were killed. Additionally, 70% of the newspapers in Iran were shut down. However, in 1979, the Iranian revolution took place, led by Imam Ayatullah Khomeini. This revolution was a turning point for Iran as it aimed to restore the glory of Islamic civilization in Iran. The Iranians believe that Islamic civilization is the best civilization and can bring justice. This paper aims to discuss the efforts made by Iranian Shiites in restoring the glory of Islamic Civilization from various perspectives such as religious, cultural, educational, and psychological. The research method used for this paper is qualitative, involving library research with data collection techniques through literature study and content analysis of research journals related to Iranian Shia civilization. After the Iranian revolution, Iranian Shiites reconstructed religious thought and cultural engineering. They also implemented the Imamiyah education system as the primary driving force. Moreover, the Iranian Shiite community can achieve their lofty ideals with good psychological aspects.</p> Aditya Aryo Nur Kusumo Copyright (c) 2024 Aditya Aryo Nur Kusumo Fri, 03 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The The Analysis of Pros and Cons Regarding the Arrival of Rohingya Refugees: Religious, Humanitarian, and Socio-Economic Implication <p>The Rohingya refugee crisis has garnered global attention, eliciting both pros and cons to the dispersion of Rohingya refugees across different nations. This research analyzes the pros and cons of the Rohingya refugee situation and its implications for religion, humanity, society, and the economy. The research method uses qualitative descriptive analysis included in the literature review, which takes secondary data from sources such as the Immigration Detention Center, UNHCR, and IOM. The research result show four main backgrounds to the Rohingya crisis: religious, humanitarian, social, and economic. The study identifies numerous hoaxes and hate speech targeting the Rohingya, causing societal polarization and the disruption of social harmony. The same of religion and human values becomes the primary reason to assist Rohingya refugees. However, societal rejection also occurs due to the presence of certain Rohingya individuals who violate local norms and religious principles. From a social and economic perspective, helping the Rohingya ethnic group is an effort to prevent human trafficking transactions. However, it has the potential to cause social jealousy. Rohingya refugees negatively impact the economy, but in Malaysia, they contribute positively to the informal sector. Resolving this crisis demands international cooperation, humanitarian aid, diplomatic efforts, and a commitment to human rights for concrete solutions.</p> Hapid Durohman, Fajar Andrian Sutisna, Muhamad Ridho Copyright (c) 2024 Hapid Durohman, Fajar Andrian Sutisna, Muhamad Ridho Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000