Journal of Islamic Civilization 2024-02-27T04:20:30+00:00 Fifi Khoirul Fitriyah, S.Pd., M.Pd Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Islamic Civilization (JIC) is managed by research institute and community service at Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (LPPM-UNUSA), and published by Unusa Press with numbers JIC's focus is related to the study of Islamic society which consists of Islamic Science &amp; Civilization, Islamic thought, Muslim community, Islamic philosophy, Islam and Peace, Islamic education, Islamic law, Islamic Economics and Business and other multidisciplinary sciences related to the study of Islamic society. JIC invites researchers, academics, and practitioners to write articles and submit them to the JIC editorial board which will be published in April and October.</p> Does Religious Obedience Affect Happiness? The NU Muslims Indonesian Case 2022-05-28T12:13:49+00:00 Anas Tania Januari Muhammad Kholisul Imam <p>Happiness is one of the benchmarks of individual welfare. Currently, welfare is not<br />only calculated from the income but also the individual’s perspective on life. Welfare<br />is a multi-dimensional component, and happiness is part of subjective well-being. This<br />study aims to empirically prove the role of religious obedience on the happiness of<br />Muslims, especially for those closely related to Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). This research<br />approach is quantitative with secondary data sources obtained from the 5th wave of the<br />Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS). This study took 481 respondents which were<br />estimated by the logistic regression model. The results show that piety is empirically<br />proven to increase the happiness of NU Muslims in Indonesia. In addition, economic<br />factors such as income also play a role in increasing happiness. Other result shows that<br />age is also determinant of happiness which display distinct functional relations (linear<br />decline and U-shape). While formal education in madrasa schools has no impact on<br />happiness. The contribution of this research is that NU institutions will focus more on<br />activities that can increase citizen piety.</p> 2023-09-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 1970 Anas Tania Januari, Muhammad Kholisul Imam History of Islamic Trading Civilization in the Pre-Prophetic Period (570-610 M) 2023-05-07T03:59:42+00:00 Ibnu Hajar Wachida Muhlis Khairul Mizan Zulfi Mubaraq <p>The history of Islamic Trading Civilization during the Pre-Prophecy period (570-610 M) is critical to study. The condition of the pre-prophetic Arab people had progress in the economic field, especially in agriculture and trade. In the progress of Arab trade<br />at that time, due to advanced agriculture, this progress was marked by the export and import activities they carried out. This paper aims to understand three things: first, the concrete form of trade; Second, the factors that affect trade. These three implications affect trade. The method used is library research. The literature study uses articles as the primary data source and journals selected according to the title’s relevance. The most important findings in research on the history of Islamic civilization in the Pre-Prophetic Period include three. First, trading in Islam during the pre-prophetic period can provide best practices through the example of the Prophet Muhammad. Second, internal factors, the principles of siddiq (honest attitude), amanah (trustworthy), fathanah (intelligent) and tabligh (argumentative and communicative) were applied in trading during the pre-prophetic period. External factors intertwined tribes into politics with local and regional trade agreements between the rulers of the Hijaz on the one hand and the rulers of Sham, Persia and Ethiopia on the other. Third, the economic condition of the Arab nation which is growing rapidly due to its strategic geographical location, especially the Yemen and Hijaz areas</p> 2023-09-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ibnu Hajar, Wachida Muhlis, Khairul Mizan, Zulfi Mubaraq The Influence Of Jalal Al-Din Rumi’s Thoughts In Rumi Diplomacy 2023-11-02T02:39:01+00:00 Alessandro Kurniawan Ulung Clemontin Cornelia Monica Jannah <p>This study discusses the thoughts of renowned Sufi poet Jalal Al-din Rumi behind Rumi Diplomacy, rolled out by Fadjroel Rachman, Indonesian Ambassador to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Rumi Diplomacy takes place in a way that the ambassador uses Rumi’s works to enhance bilateral ties with Tajikistan. Rumi Diplomacy implies that the ambassador considers Rumi’s thoughts soft power in his foreign policy. This study uses a qualitative method, with the theory of foreign-policy analysis by Harold and Margaret Sprout in place. This theory enables the author to find that Rumi’s thoughts on religious moderation, universal love, and universal faith influenced Rachman’s psychological environment to perceive such thoughts as soft power to reach Indonesia’s national interests in Tajikistan. It means that he considers the development of Rumi’s influence in Indonesia as the operational environment in making his foreign policy. To identify and understand his psychological and operational environments, the author interviewed the ambassador, read Rumi’s works, and reviewed the literature. This study, which is the first to research Rumi Diplomacy, contributes to shedding light that<br />in international politics, literature work should not be overlooked because it can also affect the decision-making process and help a country reach national interests without coercion.</p> 2023-09-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Alessandro Kurniawan Ulung, Clemontin Cornelia Monica Jannah The Application of Malay Islamic Beraja in the State Life of Brunei Darussalam (Historical-Political Review) 2023-05-07T03:45:53+00:00 Fikri Surya Pratama Erasiah Siti Rumaisa Annisa Putri Aliningsih <p>Brunei Darussalam is a small country in Southeast Asia that has a majority Muslim population with a percentage of 67%. Brunei Darussalam has established itself as an Islamic kingdom and practiced Islamic law since the 15th/16th century. British colonization in the 19th century narrowed the position of Islamic law in Brunei Darussalam. After independence in 1984, Brunei successfully established itself as an Islamic state with an absolute monarchy government. Through the ideology of Malay Islam Beraja (MIB), Brunei emphasizes Malay and Islam as indicators of state identity. This journal article aims to explain more deeply the development of political Islam and the implementation of sharia law in Brunei so that it can be implemented nationally. This research is a descriptive analytical historical research. Source collection is done by literature study, then criticized for validity. Analysis of data sources using a political history approach. The results show that contemporary Brunei Darussalam is able to consistently maintain the form of an absolute Islamic Kingdom unlike Indonesia and Malaysia, as Muslim-majority countries in Southeast Asia. The Sultan's assertiveness and implementation of Islamic shari'a to Muslims and non-Muslims, supported by the policy and progress of Brunei's community services that are all shari'ah and free, both in education, health and so on. One-way politics is also a major factor in the success of MIB to run.</p> 2023-09-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fikri Surya Pratama, Erasiah, Siti Rumaisa, Annisa Putri Aliningsih Relationship between Islam and the West: From Historical Review to Clash or Cooperation? 2024-02-27T04:20:30+00:00 Edi Kurniawan <p>Scholars are divided into two groups in assessing the relationship between Islam and the West. Some see it as a clash, while others propose a tolerance thesis. As a result, there is an ongoing debate. However, this paper will negate both. Therefore, this paper<br />will contextualize this relationship from a historical standpoint and assess its trajectory. This paper is a literature study that takes the sources from library data. By taking scientific cooperation and conflict, crusades and economic cooperation, imperialism<br />against the Islamic world, and tolerance of captive colonialists as examples, this paper shows that the relationship between Islam and the West is not unidirectional but multidirectional. Competition, conflict, and cooperation served both interests simultaneously. The interests of religion, knowledge, politics, economy, and culture before, during, and after colonization made the relationship both competitive, conflicting, and cooperative. Thus, the implication of this article is to refute Huntington’s theory and his critics by some scholars.</p> 2023-09-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Edi Kurniawan Disaster in Sufi Interpretation: Dialecticalising the Sufistic Trilogy of Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, Ibn ’Arabi and Achmad Asrori al-Ishaqi 2023-10-20T08:18:03+00:00 Ainul Chafid Hadi <p>The phenomenon of disaster is an inseparable part of human life. The understanding of it is often considered as a will of God or a natural occurrence, which consequently gives a non-anticipatory and desperate perspective. This study aims to reveal the articulation of disaster according to the idea of the Qur'an based on Sufi interpretation by dialecticism, the interpretations of Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, Ibn 'Arabi, and Achmad Asrori al-Ishaqi, from now on referred to as the "Sufi interpretation trilogy." This research is a literature study using the perspective of Sufi interpretation. Through the reading of this Sufi interpretation trilogy, the author reveals that the meaning of disaster, according to the three Sufis above, can be connected in singularity. Al-Jilani's reading with two types of understanding of disaster between destiny and the impact of damage marks that humans understand with their efforts in facing a disaster. Then, Ibn 'Arabi's reading, with its understanding of the phenomenal Absolute, makes us aware of not assuming disaster as punishment by always relying on God's power (religious-humanism). Meanwhile, al-Ishaqi on all these matters is simplified to the level of praxis, that natural disasters or calamities are images of human and natural relations that are not friendly to each other. The research thus implies a different perspective on natural disasters, which can be caused by religious (injustice) or ecological (exploitation) human mischief.</p> 2023-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ainul Yaqin, Chafid Wahyudi; Misbahul Hadi Comparative Typology of Science and Religion Integration of Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas and Amin Abdullah and its Implications for Islamic Education 2023-10-10T06:55:02+00:00 Agus Riwanda <p>This The main aim of this study is to analyze and clarify the implementation of the integration of science and religion, as suggested by Islamic scholars from Southeast Asia, in educational settings, particularly in State Islamic Universities and high schools in Indonesia. This research uses library research methodology to investigate the Comparative Typology of Integration of Science and Religion proposed by Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas and Amin Abdullah and its consequences for Islamic education. Al-Attas emphasized the importance of balancing spiritual and practical knowledge, recognizing both personal religious experience and objective religious elements. It supports the advancement of scientific knowledge through observation and experimentation and encourages the development of creative thinking and imagination in acquiring knowledge. On the other hand, Amin Abdullah advocates a relationship between science and religion that allows some information to flow, emphasizing the importance of mutual understanding and the integration of imaginative thinking into Islamic education to make it more relevant to today's times. To improve Islamic education, it is essential to achieve a balance between spiritual and practical knowledge, promote understanding of the simultaneous existence of subjective and objective aspects in religion, encourage scientific enlightenment and critical thinking, stimulate creativity and innovation in learning, facilitate viable connections between sciences and religion, recognizing the duality of objective and subjective components in religious studies, and integrating creative thinking to make religious education relevant and interesting in contemporary cultural contexts. These approaches can improve the quality of Islamic education and equip students to face the complexities of faith, science, and culture in the modern world.</p> 2023-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Agus Riwanda Sufism Social Education in Government Policy Related to the Orientation of the MajelisTaklim in Indonesia 2023-10-10T06:51:54+00:00 M. Aba Yazid Athoillah Islamy Zulihi <p>Intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism in the name of Islam remain national security problems in Indonesia. This emphasizes the synergy of perfective efforts between the government and Muslims through Islamic educational and social activities. Through a normative-philosophical approach, this qualitative study in the form of a literature review intends to identify and explore the content of Sufism values in the orientation of the MajelisTaklim as stated in Article 4 of the Minister of Religious Affairs Regulation no. 29 of 2019. Data collection through documentation and data analysis using the reduction, presentation, and verification stages. The results of this study concluded that there is a content of Sufism values in the educational orientation of the MajelisTaklim in Indonesia, including the value of <em>mahabbah</em> in the orientation of forming the character of the humanist personality of Muslims, the value of <em>futuwwah</em> in the orientation of forming the personality of pluralist Muslims, the value of <em>itsar</em> in the orientation of forming the personality of nationalist Muslims. The theoretical implications of this study show that the values of socio-sufistic teachings can be integrated with government political policies related to the orientation of non-formal Islamic education in Indonesia, as well as Islamic education activities through the MajelisTaklim.</p> 2023-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 M. Aba Yazid, Athoillah Islamy, Zulihi